Tuesday, October 29, 2013

TGIF -- Managing Online Activities & Communication

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Ninth issue, Volume Seven

TLT Group TGIF 10.29.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

Join the Friday webinar. FridayLive! MOOCOW #4 Teaching Online for Beginners (TOL4B) for Very Smart "Dummies" - Managing Online Activities & Communication

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

TGIF -- Screencasting: Exploring why & how

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Eight issue, Volume Seven

TLT Group TGIF 10.22.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

Join FridayLive! MOOCOW #3 Teaching Online for Beginners (TOL4B) for Very Smart "Dummies" - Screencasting: Exploring Why & How

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

TGIF: Online persona, social presence, and community

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Seventh issue, Volume Seven

TLT Group TGIF 10.15.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

Join FridayLive and engage in small groups with TOL4B participants as we explore the what and how of instructor self-introductions.
MOOCOW #2 Teaching Online for Beginners (TOL4B) for Very Smart "Dummies" - Online persona, social presence, and community

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

TGIF: The Why & How of Facebook, Join FridayLive

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Sixth issue, Volume Seven

TLT Group TGIF 10.08.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

Have you wondered about the educational value of Facebook and other social media.  If yes, then you will want to attend
FridayLive The Why and How of Using Facebook to Improve Community College Student Success

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

TGIF: Teaching Online for Beginners Starts Friday, 10/4

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Fifth issue, Volume Seven

TLT Group TGIF 10.1.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

MOOCOW Teaching Online for Beginners (TOL4B)for Very Smart Dummies starts Friday, October 4th

The TLT Group would like to thank the 120+ people who have been a part of a collaborative planning process. After 16+ meetings and much work over  a 5 month period, the course is about to start.
Those who register for the course may chose a guided sequence or may design their own path.
The synchronous sessions are open to all as part of FridayLive.  A list can be found here.