Lacking self-discipline, I force myself to get up and move every hour when working on computer.
How? Remote Timer! |
WHY? [more below from UC Berkeley]
Laptop configuration is not ergonomically desirable. Sitting without moving much for longer than 60 minutes is not healthy for human beings. That probably includes raptly attentive students during college lectures!
So, I always have my computer monitor physically detached from my computer keyboard - whether desktop or laptop - even when traveling (bring extra keyboard with laptop - put laptop on overturned ice-bucket on desk in hotel room). And I avoid zombie-like immobility when working.
Plug computer monitor power cables into a VERY long extension cord.
Plug extension cord into timer in an outlet in basement.
Set timer for 60 to 75 minutes.
One hour later, monitors go entirely black. No matter how intently I'm working, I must stop immediately, but my work is safe.
Walk through several rooms and up and down flight of stairs to get to the timer, reset it, and return to my desk.
Thus, I force myself to move and get at least a little exercise!
Have you found a better way that does not rely on self-discipline any more than this? Let me know.
WHY - ERGONOMICS@WORK UC Berkeley's Ergonomics Program for Faculty and Staff
"Take frequent stretch breaks every 30 to 45 minutes"