Friday, July 27, 2012

RESOURCES "Silver Cloud" Online Symposium 1pmET Aug8 ABOUT&FOR higher ed. retirees help colleagues/undergrads online #silvercloudtltg

Alfred P Sloan Projects for Faculty Career Flexibility (ACE-American Council on Education):  
Includes “Toolkit for Faculty Career Flexibility”
Resources for Administrators
Resources for Administrators

Mount Holyoke College encourages retired faculty to continue teaching.

Wellesley College received a $100,000 grant from ACE and the Sloan Foundation for their faculty retirement program - which includes “continued involvement of faculty in the academic community after their retirement.”

Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education.  AROHE. statement “To advocate for, educate, and serve retired faculty and staff in higher education, bringing together the talent, knowledge, and experience to improve their quality of life and that of the community and institutions through creating new models of retirement.” ARCHE provides institutional and individual membership.

 site for all of the Big 10 Retirement Associations:
Some institutions provide access to volunteer opportunities. Examples: Boston College, Jackson State University (Silver ServiceCorps for active Retired University and Community Members),  MIT, UCCS.  MIT can suggest local and international volunteer opportunities.    
USC has a Retired Faculty Association.  Faculty can continue to work on University committees. Retirees can apply to volunteer or work part-time for pay in various USC schools.  There is an online site to facilitate this kind of employment.
York University Retirement Planning Centre (RPC)’s “Retirement Mentor Program"  (matching mentors who have retired with pre-retirees);
University of Minnesota Retirees Association (UMRA)
Provides professional development grants
SUNY Retirees Service Corps - SUNY
The mission of The SUNY Retirees Service Corps (RSC) is to promote a strong "retiree-campus-community" connection within and among the SUNY campuses. RSC will create awareness about the potential value of SUNY retirees and encourage campuses to institute programs not only to promote social interaction and fellowship among the retirees but also to provide opportunities for engagement in university and community service. RSC will encourage campuses to provide opportunities for retirees to engage in activities for their personal and social enrichment.
Iowa State University Retirees Association
“The Iowa State University Retirees Association was formed in 1975 to provide a link between the university and all retired faculty, staff, and their spouses. In 2006, the ISU Alumni Association began overseeing this program. The ISURA is an official university committee whose members are appointed to represent each college, the Parks Library, Extension, the Merit staff, the Professional and Scientific staff, and the University Benefits Committee. A Faculty Senate representative and the Iowa State University Retirees Newsletter editor are also members of the committee. The staff of the ISU Alumni Association and a representative from university administration are ex-officio members of the committee.
“All ISU retirees and their spouses are invited to become actively involved in the ISU Retirees Association. There are no membership dues--all that is required is an interest in participating in its activities and programs.”  

Wellesley College received a $100,000 grant from ACE and the Sloan Foundation for their faculty retirement program - which includes “continued involvement of faculty in the academic community after their retirement.”

Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education.  AROHE.
Mission statement “To advocate for, educate, and serve retired faculty and staff in higher education, bringing together the talent, knowledge, and experience to improve their quality of life and that of the community and institutions through creating new models of retirement.” ARCHE provides institutional and individual membership.  

Some institutions provide access to volunteer opportunities. Examples: Boston College, Jackson State University (Silver ServiceCorps for active Retired University and Community Members),  MIT, UCCS.  MIT can suggest local and international volunteer opportunities.    
USC has a Retired Faculty Association.  Faculty can continue to work on University committees. Retirees can apply to volunteer or work part-time for pay in various USC schools.  There is an online site to facilitate this kind of employment.
York University Retirement Planning Centre (RPC)’s “Retirement Mentor Program"  (matching mentors who have retired with pre-retirees);
University of Minnesota Retirees Association (UMRA)
Provides professional development grants
SUNY Retirees Service Corps - SUNY
The mission of The SUNY Retirees Service Corps (RSC) is to promote a strong "retiree-campus-community" connection within and among the SUNY campuses. RSC will create awareness about the potential value of SUNY retirees and encourage campuses to institute programs not only to promote social interaction and fellowship among the retirees but also to provide opportunities for engagement in university and community service. RSC will encourage campuses to provide opportunities for retirees to engage in activities for their personal and social enrichment.
Iowa State University Retirees Association
“The Iowa State University Retirees Association was formed in 1975 to provide a link between the university and all retired faculty, staff, and their spouses. In 2006, the ISU Alumni Association began overseeing this program. The ISURA is an official university committee whose members are appointed to represent each college, the Parks Library, Extension, the Merit staff, the Professional and Scientific staff, and the University Benefits Committee. A Faculty Senate representative and the Iowa State University Retirees Newsletter editor are also members of the committee. The staff of the ISU Alumni Association and a representative from university administration are ex-officio members of the committee.
“All ISU retirees and their spouses are invited to become actively involved in the ISU Retirees Association. There are no membership dues--all that is required is an interest in participating in its activities and programs.”  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Info exchange 2pmET FridayLive! 7/27 re higher ed. retirees helping colleagues & undergrads online #SilverCloudTLTG

Silver Cloud - TLT Group's Annual Online Summer Symposium
Who are Silver Cloudians? What can they offer? What do they want, need?
OPEN Planning & info exchange session FRIDAY JULY 27, 2PM ET
Free Registration for Planning Session
Locomotive "active" after official retirement!
re Symposium ABOUT&FOR  higher ed. retirees who continue to help faculty, undergrads and other colleagues online 
Exchange info 7/27 about program(s) like AROHE (Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education); Mission statement: “To advocate for, educate, and serve retired faculty and staff in higher education, bringing together the talent, knowledge, and experience to improve their quality of life and that of the community and institutions through creating new models of retirement.” AROHE offers both institutional and individual membership.  
"We're not finished!"
“Silver Cloudians”: aka people recently retired from higher education, people considering retirement, people who can/cannot imagine retirement! How can Silver Cloudians use Internet resources and online skills to continue to contribute? Contribute to undergraduate education? Contribute to professional colleagues at earlier career stages? Contribute to other Silver Cloudians?  
August 8, 14, and 16 at 1:00 - 2:00pm ET + optional 30 mins "afterthoughts".
Free to TLT Group Individual Members; Fee for non-member registration $250.
Register for Symposium:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Silver Cloud" Plan/Info-xchange 2pmET Fri7/27 re Symposium ABOUT&FOR Future/Recent/Pseudo Retirees #SilverCloudTLTG

Silver Cloud - TLT Group's Annual Online Summer Symposium
Who are Silver Cloudians? What can they offer? What do they want, need? OPEN PLANNING SESSION FRIDAY JULY 27, 2PM ET
Free Registration for Planning Session

Exchange info about program(s) like York University Retirement Planning Centre (RPC)’s “Retirement Mentor Program"? Matching mentors who have retired with pre-retirees "a mentor is 'Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight'."   

"We're not finished!"

“Silver Cloudians”: aka people recently retired from higher education, people considering retirement, people who can/cannot imagine retirement! How can Silver Cloudians use Internet resources and online skills to continue to contribute? Contribute to undergraduate education? Contribute to professional colleagues at earlier career stages? Contribute to other Silver Cloudians?  
August 8, 14, and 16 at 1:00 - 2:00pm ET + optional 30 mins "afterthoughts".
Free to TLT Group Individual Members; Fee for non-member registration $250.
Register for Symposium:

Friday, July 20, 2012

TODAY 2pmET Pilot TLTGroup FridayLive! Summer Rerun “Gearing Up for Online Teaching” Guest Login:

TODAY (7/20 2pm ET!)
1st VERY ROUGH DRAFT Pilot Test “Proof of Concept”
TLT Group FridayLive! Summer Rerun/Update
Gearing Up for Online Teaching
Login as guest at:  

Presenter in recording of previous FridayLive! session: Jennifer McCrickerd, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Drake University

This “Summer Rerun” session will begin with a recorded clip from a previous FridayLive! in which Jennifer McCrickerd explained some of the challenges she was anticipating in her first online teaching experience.  She was committed to provide online students with options for high-quality learning based on course goals that she had developed over several years of teaching a similar course in the classroom.

In the 2011-2012 academic year, Jennifer McCrickerd, a highly respected and effective experienced classroom teacher, prepared to teach online for the first time in the summer of 2012. In two TLT Group FridayLive! online sessions, she shared her expectations, hopes, and concerns as she was prompted to think anew about teaching principles, practices, and resources.  McCrickerd extended her commitment to draw on learning theory and recent research to inform her preparation for online teaching. During the FridayLive! sessions, McCrickerd requested and received suggestions from participants who had a variety of online teaching/learning experiences.  Jennifer is currently (Summer, 2012) putting these plans into action and will offer at least one follow-up FridayLive! session this fall to describe and comment further on her first online teaching experience - as compared with her expectations!

                   SUMMER RERUN INTRO
                   PLAY RECORDED EXCERPT (ECLIP)
                   LIVE INTERACTION
2:30pm ET AFTERTHOUGHTS [10-30]

Thursday, July 12, 2012

ACE/Sloan "Faculty Retirement Transitions... Sloan Projects for Faculty Career Flexibility" #silvercloudtltg

ACE (American Council on Education) Faculty Retirement Transitions
The Alfred P. Sloan Projects for Faculty Career Flexibility

Toolkit for Faculty Career Flexibility: Key Resources for Administrators, Faculty and Students

Silver Cloud - TLT Group's Annual Online Summer Symposium
Who are Silver Cloudians? What can they offer? What do they want, need? "We're not finished!"

"Silver Cloud" Online Symposium 1pmET Aug 8+ ABOUT&FOR Future/Recent/Pseudo Retirees. Explore roles, TLTG workshops #SilverCloudTLTG

Silver Cloud - TLT Group's Annual Online Summer Symposium
Who are Silver Cloudians? What can they offer? What do they want, need?

"We're not finished!"
“Silver Cloudians”: aka people recently retired from the academy, people considering retirement, people who can/cannot imagine retirement! How can Silver Cloudians use Internet resources and online skills to continue to contribute? Contribute to undergraduate education? Contribute to professional colleagues at earlier career stages? Contribute to other Silver Cloudians?
August 8, 14, and 16 at 1:00 - 2:00pm ET + optional 30 mins "afterthoughts".
Free to TLT Group Individual Members; Fee for non-member registration $250.
Register for Symposium:

Friday, July 06, 2012

You think you've got problems? Derecho

Photo of "July 11, 2011 East Central Iowa Derecho" same category as meteorological phenomenon (more than "severe thunderstorm") that hit eastern USA Friday, June 29, 2012 and eliminated our electricity until Thurs July 5!  Additional image below.
Pronunciation:  “deh-REY-cho” in English