Monday, October 27, 2014

TGIF: What I Wish I Knew about Learning Online & Adobe Connect: ALL THIS WEEK

You can also view the newsletter here.

Ninth issue, Volume Eight
 TLT Group TGIF 10.28.14
 From TLT Group World
Thank you to Lisa Star from Educause for introducing us to Padlet last week during
Share your padlet.jpg
FridayLive. In our effort to continue learning forward, Lisa has created a Padlet for us to share examples of how we have used Padlet or are planning to use Padlet,

Book Discussions - "Make It Stick"
The Cognitive Science Book Discussion series starts on November 7th as we discussMake it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning."
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There are several ways to participate:
  1. Get your bookNOWand start reading.
  2. Come without reading the book or reviews.
Register for the eventhereand see more information about the entire series below

TLT Membership
Become a new member or renew your membership and receive a headset for $100.00 (USD)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

TGIF: "Make It Stick" Book Discussion & Padlet - this week at TLT

You can also view the newsletter here.

Eight issue, Volume Eight
 TLT Group TGIF 10.21.14
 From TLT Group World
Book Discussions
Thank you to Michelle Pacansky-Brock and to the TLT members who made the Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread Discussion and How To Series a GREAT success.  Another VoiceThread resource for your consideration is the Google+ VoiceThread community.

The Cognitive Science Book Discussion Series starts on November 7th as we discussion Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning."

There are several ways to participate:

  1. photo (15).JPG
    Get your book NOW and start reading.
  2. Come without reading the book or reviews.

Register for the event here and see more information about the entire series below.

TLT Membership
Become a new member or renew your membership and receive a headset for $100.00 (USD)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Over-hyped-tech mystery-quote solved: Add your favorite! Oct24 FridayLive! Piglet or Padlet?

Excerpt from "Content and Its Discontents," The Financial Page, by James Surowiecki,  The NewYorker,  OCTOBER 20, 2014 ISSUE

"Netflix has always provoked hyperbole, with boosters saying that it will change everything and skeptics prophesying its imminent downfall. It has gone from Wall Street darling to Wall Street disaster and back again. Twice, the stock price has fallen more than sixty per cent in a matter of months—in 2011 and 2012—but, since the start of 2013, it has risen more than three hundred per cent. At the moment, Netflix can do no wrong. Practically everything the company does is being treated as radical and, of course, 'hugely disruptive.'

"The hype is misleading." 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Good quote about over-hyped technology: Which one, which decade? Ans tomorrow 10/17 free online

Can you identify the redacted technology reference in this quotation?
The decade or year of publication?

"<...> has always provoked hyperbole, with boosters saying that it will change everything and skeptics prophesying its imminent downfall. It has gone from Wall Street darling to Wall Street disaster and back again. Twice, the stock price has fallen more than sixty per cent in a matter of months ...but, has risen more than three hundred per cent. At the moment, <...>  can do no wrong. Practically everything the company does is being treated as radical and, of course, 'hugely disruptive.'"

"The hype is misleading."

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

TGIF: Learning Out Loud on Wednesday and new Adobe Connect features on FridayLive

You can also view the newsletter here.

Seventh issue, Volume Eight
 TLT Group TGIF 10.14.14
 From TLT Group World
Book Discussions
concludes with a conversation with the author Michelle Pacansky-Brock on Wednesday, 10/15/14 at 3 PM ET Register Here

The Cognitive Science book discussion series starts on November 7th as we discuss 
photo (15).JPG
"Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning” You will want to get your book NOW and start reading.
See more information about the entire series below.

TLT Membership
Become a new member or renew your membership and receive a headset for $100.00 (USD)

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

TGIF: Book Discussions, Smart Phone and Word Clouds - Oh My

You can also view the newsletter here.

Sixth issue, Volume Eight
 TLT Group TGIF 10.7.14
 From TLT Group World
Book Discussions
HowtoHumanizeYourCourse.jpgIt’s not too late to join the current book discussion taking place via Voicethread about VoiceThread, How to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread. Register Here

photo (15).JPGThe Cognitive Science book discussion series will focus on 3 different books: a general audience non-fiction selection in November, a scholarly selection in December and a fiction selection in January. You will want to get your copy of  Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning” by Brown and register for this event here. See more information below.