Friday, November 20, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from FridayLive! Fall 2015 There’s an LTA for that! Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Welcome to our first Friday Live of the Fall 2015 season! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:There’s an LTA for that! Where we will be exchanging favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Our Presenters for today are: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of AkronPenny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet CollegeDale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge College with others chiming in along the way. Our Voice of Chat (VoC) for today is David Parker. Many thanks to all! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Hello. VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:volume is better, but seems a little mushy VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:better, a little echo kind of thing? Dale Parker:yes, mushy to me too Dale Parker:the echo is gone VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:steve can you reduce bass a bit? VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i meant in the volume control but maybe you don't have a bass section VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:adobe connect talks about mp3 player Michael Dabney:Mike Dabney, ret Teaching Ctr director, Hawaii Pacific Univ, Honolulu. Currently in flight between SFO and JFK unable to use mic, can only play thru chat Michael Dabney:ALOHA! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:In flight? Gotta love that on board wifi! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Welcome Mike Dabney, and thanks for the description of who you are and where you are at - at the moment. Exactly what we like to see and invite everyone else to do! Michael Dabney:Jet Blue free wifi, the best Dale Parker:wow, impressive Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:At least you're not streaming Netflix and taking up all the bandwidth right? ;) VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:looks like it does need to be an mp3 Dale Parker:LOL VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i'd converted it on my computer, but didn't have a chance to upload. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Thanks David - looks like we were all trying the same thing! VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:great minds and all that...:P Mary-Margaret Kantor:Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC. Constantly looking for things to share with faculty to make assessments more engaging and interactive Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I know I had trouble logging in. I had to go to Explorer to make it work. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Sending the full link is a good idea. Dale Parker:Welcome Mary Margaret VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i couldn't get explorer to load i'm back with chrome..:P Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:It is beautiful in Northern Wisconsin today Dale Parker:I am using firefox Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I am here in Beth's stead - should you need any tech support or backup. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Do yoiu need an intro to Adobe Connect today? Carie Whitehead:Hello! This is Carie, an Instructional Developer at Central Piedmont Community College. Mary-Margaret Kantor:Oh yes, that would still be true for our IDs--4 serve many, many faculty Ilene Frank:I'm a actively-retired librarian currently working at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa where it is tooooo hot! Carie Whitehead:LOL! We now have more space, but not enough support people JMcColgan:Hi! I'm Janna, another Instructional Developer in the Central Piedmont Community College broom closet VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:never enough support people....;-) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Carie - so true for so many! Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:more like a day or two Dale Parker:Cambridge College center in Springfield has one tech person in a little bigger than a closet Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I'm here @ TLT Group South - in Greenville, SC Carie Whitehead:We have a new Instructional dEveloper starting next week, so we are our way to being less understaffed Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:My pleasure! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:As noted above, David Parker is our Voice of Chat today. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Or... Beth who isn't and Bonnie who is here today (that's me!) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:David, Dale and Steve K all checked their mics - and all sounded great in the early bird session. It's only Penny who will surprise us with her lovely voice. Jackie Regan:got it Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:ASU Online Digital Learning Platform: http: Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:SO COOL! Carie Whitehead:croos platform and cross browser use rbelair:considering variability of learners and access Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:This is my first time seeing the ASU image. While it's small/hard to see, I really like it and it's worth digging down into it. Love the live interactivity of it! incompatibility Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:What is a big challenge when you try to make info accessibel to students via electronic media? Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:"Having to pay to play" Dale Parker:yes devices Carie Whitehead:reading level appropriateness Melissa Felland:simple directions/ease of use for students, across browsers, what are students using as devices tend to be more reliable than browsers Ilene Frank:No matter how straightforward and simple the tool, a few students will be confused. Carie Whitehead:finding videos (esp on YouTube) with proper closed captioning Mike Welker (NC State College):managing ROI of orientation to bang for the buck of how much it moves the needle Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Apps and sites that cost money, yes Dwayne Harapnuik:technological apathy Dale Parker:comfort with computers in general Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Transcription and caption for videos instructions clear Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants in your course Jackie Regan:bridging laggards with early adopters Carie Whitehead:ease of access for the students (ie not needing to create a full profile or give extensive info) to the 3rd party before accessing JMcColgan:public informational links/YouTube videos without annoying adverts Tom Tu@UW-Superior:copyrighted materials Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Good point David... access to online Carie Whitehead:older stuff that still uses Flash and doesn't work in iDevices Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:Rural areas also have access problems. - we still have students on dial-up Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Penny - cost and bandwidth access limits are soooo important to be sensitive to. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Everyone is welcome to share their favorite LTAs - just let us know here in chat - what you have and how you want to share. Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Next week - Sept 18 FridayLive! will focus mostly on "accessibility" vis a vis disabiilities and resources for accomodating them Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:"Universal Design" Sept 18 2pm Eastern Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron: Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:"Creating Content" means to many people "publishing info in some format" Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:15-20 min is about max attention span... hence lecturettes (rather than lectures). Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Hmmmmm.... notions of multitasking and attention span are becoming MORE controversial... perhaps we should do a session about that! Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:How many faculty meetings, academic professional conferences have sessions during which all participants are expected to sit without speaking or moving more than 1 hour? Karen Dunn-Haley:is 61 slides for 6 minutes (slideshare) a typo? VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:AVID 10-2 breakdowns - 10 min lecture - 2 minute activity Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Ergonomics: How long do those who study human physical movement and health and posture, believe that we should remain sitting without a break? Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Explain Everything App: Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:About time! I want my stylus back for my tablet (used to be a normal component of tablets in the past - prior to iPad emulation Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Pixlr editing App: Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:My personal threshold for photo editors is very LOW! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: Dwayne Harapnuik:Thanks for the useful resources! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:You're welcome! Karen Dunn-Haley:it just seems a lot! Carie Whitehead:That sounds right, that is 10 slides per minute and on SlideShare, that is about right if you don;t put too much info on a slide Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:The infographic says to get through the presentation in 6 minutes Karen Dunn-Haley:ok! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:with an average of 61 slides Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:(assuming your slides are short and sweet) VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:if you want to do advanced editing for no cost, you can use a photoshop work-alike call the gimp. Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:For all rubrics is awesome! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:For All Rubrics App: Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Who can reposition items in linoit? Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Linoit App: Mary-Margaret Kantor:I use Kahoot! extensively in PD sessions. Get great data while having fun! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Kahoot App: Tom Tu@UW-Superior:@Mary: What did you mean by PD sessions? Thanks! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Padlet looks very similar to linoit - true? Mary-Margaret Kantor:Professional Development--the work we do with faculty and staff Jackie Regan:@Bonnie that's what I thought too Jackie Regan:we've been using padlet for weeklong "brainstorming" sessions Tom Tu@UW-Superior:@Mary: Thanks! Jackie Regan:@Dale haha! I started using Zotero (firefox add on for citations)-and I continue to use it to categorize references I find-have folders for "online learning" "video tools"-and one folder for "to read"-which is where I'm putting these links allows you to add tags too and you can back up on zotero server. Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:wow! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Dale is sharing the Diigo repository: Jackie Regan:zotero also will accomodate files on your computer not just weblinks Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:This has all the resources that have been shared over the course of our TLT Group Friday Live and other networking sessions. Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Almost everything in this repository has been RECOMMENDED by someone during one of our online sessions! Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Who, how can others contribute to THIS collection? Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Jackie - if we have time (end of session or in aftersession), would you like to show/demo Zotero? Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Any questions for Dale? Jackie Regan:sure...started using while doing my masters Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Dale, can you post the link to your diigo page? Jackie Regan:some higher ed "gifts" student's with citation software, but not all Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Tom it's this one: (that Steve & I shared above). Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Dale has been collecting these links for a long time now. Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Thanks, Bonnie! Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:My growing collection of image attribution/citations Jackie Regan:@Dale-thank you! Dale Parker:you are welcome Carie Whitehead:For creating voice/audio only content Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Carie Whitehead:And for audio with avators: or (iDivices only) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Captioning You Tube videos with Amara: rbelair:is amara for vids w/o audio?? rbelair:or can be used for vids w/ sound/dialogue?? JMcColgan:other bookmarking tools like Diigo include and rbelair:so i would need to enter the captions myself, is how it sounds, correct? Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@JMcColgan - You are so right. Thanks! Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: "Getting Started with Diigo Educator Accounts", "Diigo Resources", and Diigo General Help. Dale Parker:thanks steve got it Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Wisc-Online: Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron: = another really good interactive simulation site Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Mostly science related Tom Tu@UW-Superior:University of Minnesota developed VideoAnt which allows users to annotate online videos (like YouTube videos.): Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Khan Academy: Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:@Tom, that looks awesome! Thanks for sharing that. Dolores:I would like to suggest future sessions on Explain Everything and on online accessibility for students with disabilities Veronica Barrett:Hi Dale would ED Ready be a good site for a student who needs to study to pass a placement test in hopes of testing out of a remedial class? Carie Whitehead:I definitely need to check out amara Dale Parker:yes veronica I think it would Belina:I've already tweeted out a few of the resources to share out with my PLN! (Ideal Length of Everything Online, Amara, WISC-online OER) Carie Whitehead:@veronica, yes! We use it for our GED prep and developmental math students Belina:Professional Learning Network Tom Tu@UW-Superior:I'd like to try Kahoot. Mary-Margaret Kantor:Agreed Carie, using amara would open up so many new resources. Also excited to mine WISC-online Belina:Kahoot is great! Dale Parker:Glad to hear that Carie I just learned about it yesterday Carie Whitehead:I am teaching a series of courses on accessibility soon, and one is one closed captioing, so amara may be a good addition JMcColgan:Am adding the TLT Repository Group to my Diigo library Dale Parker:great Jim Veronica Barrett:Dale thank you for the math resource sites! Dale Parker:you are welcome Veronica i used to think teaching math online was impossible but I am doing it Carie Whitehead:Veronica, if you are doing developmental type math, I have a bunch of resources on an old website at Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Sorry about that, connect crashed Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:can you make me a presenter again? Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Done! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Thanks Bonnie VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:can participants see the notes 3 pod Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Yes, I can Carie Whitehead:Yes, we can see it rbelair:can see the list Dolores:yes rbelair:apps/tools appropriate for learners w/ cognitive challenges Dolores:no, means I can see the list VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:see you guys next week. Dale Parker:bye thanks David Dolores:Thank you! I have to leave, too rbelair:i'd also like to see more content on meeting accessibility guidelines rbelair:and apps/tools for learners w/ cognitive challenges -- i'd like to learn more about what's available Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:I'm at a standing desk right now Dale Parker:I just did that Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron::) Tom Tu@UW-Superior:bring-your-own-device/mobile learning and active learning activities in classroom Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Oh Steve K - you are just on the cutting... walking edge of all things tech... including desks aren't you! ;-) Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:@Tom, check out, good for BYOD Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Tom - & polleverywhere also (for BYOD). Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Thanks, Steve K.! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:We use socrative to do peer review on class speeches Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:allows for comments / scoring Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Excellent, Steve K. Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:YES! Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:We can set a date with beth. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:If anyone has something they would like to share - Please raise your hand or put a note in chat. Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:That makes me think it's a FridayL:ive! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Sounds like a Friday Live! to me - with Steve K's extended explanation. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Designated Learner (for this) - 1) Cannot know Explain Everything; 2) Willing to Learn online in front of others (mistakes and all); 3) Have a task in mind to explore. Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:am i cut off ?/??? Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:We hear you steve Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:We can hear you Steve Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:we hear you but you dont hear us Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:you just don't hear us. Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:hold on Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Penny is talking Steve Kaufman | The University of Penny Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:that might be helpful Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:YouTube? Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:so you want to do audio annotating Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Add audio comment to text doc - e.g., faculty grading/comment Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:Wonderful! Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:Great! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:We've been struggling with that one Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:i'd be interested in hearing that Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:it's a systemic problem Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:If only Khan Academy existed when I was in school Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Yes, big problem, faculty are eager to deal with it, but it's time consuming Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Except those dealing directly with transitional studies/developmental math - who do want to address especially the integration with courses. Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:I need to run - thanks for a great session. Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Good presenting with you all! Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:I wionder if we shopuld have a math theme?
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Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from FridayLive! Fall 2015 There’s an LTA for that! Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Welcome to our first Friday Live of the Fall 2015 season! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:There’s an LTA for that! Where we will be exchanging favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Our Presenters for today are: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of AkronPenny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet CollegeDale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge College with others chiming in along the way. Our Voice of Chat (VoC) for today is David Parker. Many thanks to all! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Hello. VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:volume is better, but seems a little mushy VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:better, a little echo kind of thing? Dale Parker:yes, mushy to me too Dale Parker:the echo is gone VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:steve can you reduce bass a bit? VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i meant in the volume control but maybe you don't have a bass section VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:adobe connect talks about mp3 player Michael Dabney:Mike Dabney, ret Teaching Ctr director, Hawaii Pacific Univ, Honolulu. Currently in flight between SFO and JFK unable to use mic, can only play thru chat Michael Dabney:ALOHA! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:In flight? Gotta love that on board wifi! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Welcome Mike Dabney, and thanks for the description of who you are and where you are at - at the moment. Exactly what we like to see and invite everyone else to do! Michael Dabney:Jet Blue free wifi, the best Dale Parker:wow, impressive Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:At least you're not streaming Netflix and taking up all the bandwidth right? ;) VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:looks like it does need to be an mp3 Dale Parker:LOL VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i'd converted it on my computer, but didn't have a chance to upload. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Thanks David - looks like we were all trying the same thing! VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:great minds and all that...:P Mary-Margaret Kantor:Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC. Constantly looking for things to share with faculty to make assessments more engaging and interactive Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I know I had trouble logging in. I had to go to Explorer to make it work. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Sending the full link is a good idea. Dale Parker:Welcome Mary Margaret VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i couldn't get explorer to load i'm back with chrome..:P Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:It is beautiful in Northern Wisconsin today Dale Parker:I am using firefox Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I am here in Beth's stead - should you need any tech support or backup. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Do yoiu need an intro to Adobe Connect today? Carie Whitehead:Hello! This is Carie, an Instructional Developer at Central Piedmont Community College. Mary-Margaret Kantor:Oh yes, that would still be true for our IDs--4 serve many, many faculty Ilene Frank:I'm a actively-retired librarian currently working at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa where it is tooooo hot! Carie Whitehead:LOL! We now have more space, but not enough support people JMcColgan:Hi! I'm Janna, another Instructional Developer in the Central Piedmont Community College broom closet VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:never enough support people....;-) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Carie - so true for so many! Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:more like a day or two Dale Parker:Cambridge College center in Springfield has one tech person in a little bigger than a closet Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I'm here @ TLT Group South - in Greenville, SC Carie Whitehead:We have a new Instructional dEveloper starting next week, so we are our way to being less understaffed Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:My pleasure! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:As noted above, David Parker is our Voice of Chat today. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Or... Beth who isn't and Bonnie who is here today (that's me!) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:David, Dale and Steve K all checked their mics - and all sounded great in the early bird session. It's only Penny who will surprise us with her lovely voice. Jackie Regan:got it Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:ASU Online Digital Learning Platform: http: Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:SO COOL! Carie Whitehead:croos platform and cross browser use rbelair:considering variability of learners and access Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:This is my first time seeing the ASU image. While it's small/hard to see, I really like it and it's worth digging down into it. Love the live interactivity of it! incompatibility Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:What is a big challenge when you try to make info accessibel to students via electronic media? Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:"Having to pay to play" Dale Parker:yes devices Carie Whitehead:reading level appropriateness Melissa Felland:simple directions/ease of use for students, across browsers, what are students using as devices tend to be more reliable than browsers Ilene Frank:No matter how straightforward and simple the tool, a few students will be confused. Carie Whitehead:finding videos (esp on YouTube) with proper closed captioning Mike Welker (NC State College):managing ROI of orientation to bang for the buck of how much it moves the needle Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Apps and sites that cost money, yes Dwayne Harapnuik:technological apathy Dale Parker:comfort with computers in general Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Transcription and caption for videos instructions clear Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants in your course Jackie Regan:bridging laggards with early adopters Carie Whitehead:ease of access for the students (ie not needing to create a full profile or give extensive info) to the 3rd party before accessing JMcColgan:public informational links/YouTube videos without annoying adverts Tom Tu@UW-Superior:copyrighted materials Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Good point David... access to online Carie Whitehead:older stuff that still uses Flash and doesn't work in iDevices Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:Rural areas also have access problems. - we still have students on dial-up Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Penny - cost and bandwidth access limits are soooo important to be sensitive to. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Everyone is welcome to share their favorite LTAs - just let us know here in chat - what you have and how you want to share. Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Next week - Sept 18 FridayLive! will focus mostly on "accessibility" vis a vis disabiilities and resources for accomodating them Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:"Universal Design" Sept 18 2pm Eastern
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from Gmail via IFTTT
FridayLive! FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today
Dear Steven Gilbert, Join us today for FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11. FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Presenters: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of Akron Penny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet College Dale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge CollegeSteve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others Description Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] An LTA is an activity or application of information technology that is “low-threshold” i.e., reliable, accessible, easy to learn, non-intimidating and incrementally low-cost in time, money, and stress. Each LTA has easily observable benefits right away and is likely to support important long-term improvements in teaching and/or learning. For this exchange session, we’re extending the definition of LTA to include Apps, Applications, Activities, Resources, Web Sites, ... LTA’s need not depend on any specific information technology. We’ve invited some of our frequent presenters to identify and share some of their favorite new-ish LTAs… and we’ll encourage all who participate to share their favorites too. We expect that each presenter and participant will leave the session eager to try at least one LTA new to them NOTE: Login instructions for the session will be sent in the Registration Confirmation Email. Please check your Junk folder as sometimes these emails get trapped there. We will also send an additional login reminder 24 hours prior to the start of the event. As always, we welcome your attendance and your participation.Register here. Sally Unsubscribe from event announcements
from Gmail via IFTTT
from Gmail via IFTTT
FridayLive! FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today
Dear Steven Gilbert, Join us today for FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11. FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Presenters: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of Akron Penny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet College Dale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge CollegeSteve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others Description Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] An LTA is an activity or application of information technology that is “low-threshold” i.e., reliable, accessible, easy to learn, non-intimidating and incrementally low-cost in time, money, and stress. Each LTA has easily observable benefits right away and is likely to support important long-term improvements in teaching and/or learning. For this exchange session, we’re extending the definition of LTA to include Apps, Applications, Activities, Resources, Web Sites, ... LTA’s need not depend on any specific information technology. We’ve invited some of our frequent presenters to identify and share some of their favorite new-ish LTAs… and we’ll encourage all who participate to share their favorites too. We expect that each presenter and participant will leave the session eager to try at least one LTA new to them NOTE: Login instructions for the session will be sent in the Registration Confirmation Email. Please check your Junk folder as sometimes these emails get trapped there. We will also send an additional login reminder 24 hours prior to the start of the event. As always, we welcome your attendance and your participation.Register here. Sally Unsubscribe from event announcements
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from Gmail via IFTTT
Wednesday, September 09, 2015
TLT Group Event Announcement: FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today
Dear Steven Gilbert, Here's what's coming up on Friday!FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 2:00 PM EDT FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Presenters: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of Akron Penny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet College Dale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge CollegeSteve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others Description Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] An LTA is an activity or application of information technology that is “low-threshold” i.e., reliable, accessible, easy to learn, non-intimidating and incrementally low-cost in time, money, and stress. Each LTA has easily observable benefits right away and is likely to support important long-term improvements in teaching and/or learning. For this exchange session, we’re extending the definition of LTA to include Apps, Applications, Activities, Resources, Web Sites, ... LTA’s need not depend on any specific information technology. We’ve invited some of our frequent presenters to identify and share some of their favorite new-ish LTAs… and we’ll encourage all who participate to share their favorites too. We expect that each presenter and participant will leave the session eager to try at least one LTA new to them NOTE: Login instructions for the session will be sent in the Registration Confirmation Email. Please check your Junk folder as sometimes these emails get trapped there. We will also send an additional login reminder 24 hours prior to the start of the event. More information and online registration: FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Hope to see you there! SallyThe TLT Group, A Non-Profit Organization301-270-8312Unsubscribe from event announcements
from Gmail via IFTTT
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TLT Group Event Announcement: FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today
Dear Steven Gilbert, Here's what's coming up on Friday!FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 2:00 PM EDT FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Presenters: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of Akron Penny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet College Dale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge CollegeSteve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others Description Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] An LTA is an activity or application of information technology that is “low-threshold” i.e., reliable, accessible, easy to learn, non-intimidating and incrementally low-cost in time, money, and stress. Each LTA has easily observable benefits right away and is likely to support important long-term improvements in teaching and/or learning. For this exchange session, we’re extending the definition of LTA to include Apps, Applications, Activities, Resources, Web Sites, ... LTA’s need not depend on any specific information technology. We’ve invited some of our frequent presenters to identify and share some of their favorite new-ish LTAs… and we’ll encourage all who participate to share their favorites too. We expect that each presenter and participant will leave the session eager to try at least one LTA new to them NOTE: Login instructions for the session will be sent in the Registration Confirmation Email. Please check your Junk folder as sometimes these emails get trapped there. We will also send an additional login reminder 24 hours prior to the start of the event. More information and online registration: FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Hope to see you there! SallyThe TLT Group, A Non-Profit Organization301-270-8312Unsubscribe from event announcements
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from Gmail via IFTTT
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
TLT Group Event Announcement: FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today
Steven Gilbert, We think you might be interested in this!FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 2:00 PM EDT FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Presenters: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of Akron Penny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet College Dale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge CollegeSteve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others Description Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] An LTA is an activity or application of information technology that is “low-threshold” i.e., reliable, accessible, easy to learn, non-intimidating and incrementally low-cost in time, money, and stress. Each LTA has easily observable benefits right away and is likely to support important long-term improvements in teaching and/or learning. For this exchange session, we’re extending the definition of LTA to include Apps, Applications, Activities, Resources, Web Sites, ... LTA’s need not depend on any specific information technology. We’ve invited some of our frequent presenters to identify and share some of their favorite new-ish LTAs… and we’ll encourage all who participate to share their favorites too. We expect that each presenter and participant will leave the session eager to try at least one LTA new to them NOTE: Login instructions for the session will be sent in the Registration Confirmation Email. Please check your Junk folder as sometimes these emails get trapped there. We will also send an additional login reminder 24 hours prior to the start of the event. More information and online registration: FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Hope you can join us!SallyThe TLT Group, A Non-Profit Organization 301-270-8312Unsubscribe from event announcements
from Gmail via IFTTT
from Gmail via IFTTT
TLT Group Event Announcement: FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today
Steven Gilbert, We think you might be interested in this!FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 2:00 PM EDT FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Presenters: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of Akron Penny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet College Dale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge CollegeSteve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others Description Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] An LTA is an activity or application of information technology that is “low-threshold” i.e., reliable, accessible, easy to learn, non-intimidating and incrementally low-cost in time, money, and stress. Each LTA has easily observable benefits right away and is likely to support important long-term improvements in teaching and/or learning. For this exchange session, we’re extending the definition of LTA to include Apps, Applications, Activities, Resources, Web Sites, ... LTA’s need not depend on any specific information technology. We’ve invited some of our frequent presenters to identify and share some of their favorite new-ish LTAs… and we’ll encourage all who participate to share their favorites too. We expect that each presenter and participant will leave the session eager to try at least one LTA new to them NOTE: Login instructions for the session will be sent in the Registration Confirmation Email. Please check your Junk folder as sometimes these emails get trapped there. We will also send an additional login reminder 24 hours prior to the start of the event. More information and online registration: FridayLive! There’s an LTA for that! Exchange favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] September 11 Hope you can join us!SallyThe TLT Group, A Non-Profit Organization 301-270-8312Unsubscribe from event announcements
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from Gmail via IFTTT
Sunday, June 28, 2015
“Media doesn’t inform so much as it argues,...Context is everything, & we get very little context...” N.Lear 20150628
Respectful, rational discourse is challenged by excessive small media clips
Interview of Norman Lear & Seth MacFarlane in New York Times June 28, 2015:
"NL: America’s biggest export is excess. We are excessive about everything. And we’ve become consumers of excess rather than citizens. Media doesn’t inform so much as it argues, bumper-sticker-style. Context is everything, and we get very little context now. We just get the 'Boom!'"
"SM: ...the massive overflow of media — too much media — has made it harder to have a discussion. The freedom to find answers through communication is punished when things are picked apart and used for profit as sound bites."
"Norman Lear and Seth MacFarlane and Their TV Families," interview in column "Table for Three," by Philip Galanes, June 26, 2015
"A version of this article appears in print on June 28, 2015, on page ST7 of the New York edition with the headline: All in the Family Guys"
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
TGIF: Last 2 TLTG events of the season: Wed and FRLV
TGIF: Last 2 TLTG events of the season: Wed and FRLV
You can also view the newsletter here.
Forty second issue, Volume Eight | TLT Group TGIF 06.24.15 |
From TLT Group World Headquarters |
Wednesday morning. Join our Summer Experiment. We will meet in ZOOM today, June 24th at 10:00 AM ET. Use this link to get to the ZOOM room, Allow time to download the plugin.
More information here. |
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
TGIF: Art Chickering on FridayLive! “Cool Passion”
TGIF: Art Chickering on FridayLive! “Cool Passion”
You can also view the newsletter here.
Forty first issue, Volume Eight | TLT Group TGIF 06.16.15 |
From TLT Group World Headquarters |
Art Chickering will be joining us this week on FridayLive! sharing insights from his 50 plus year career in higher education. In addition, Art will share his perspective on the emerging issues in higher education and suggestions on where higher education can go from here from his new book “Cool Passion: Challenging Higher Education.” More information about this event and links to interview with Art Chickering can be found here
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
TGIF: What does it mean to live a necessary life? FridayLive!
TGIF: What does it mean to live a necessary life? FridayLive!
You can also view the newsletter here.
Forty first issue, Volume Eight | TLT Group TGIF 06.09.15 | |
From TLT Group World Headquarters | This week we explore a fiction piece by Rabih Alameddine “An Unnecessary Woman.” Explore some short excerpts and interviews with the author here
You can also support us indirectly by purchasing books from Amazon via links in our recommended reading list or shop using this AmazonSmile link. Amazon will then make a donation to the TLT Group.
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| More from the TLT-SWG Blog | |
| Members Exchange
PLANNING MEETING: 4th Spring 2015 Discussion - FICTION, An Unnecessary Woman
Date: June 10,2015
Time: 3:00 PM ET
Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, TLT Group and others
Alameddine, Rabih (2014) An Unnecessary Woman Nov 11, 2014, Grove Press
Upcoming Member Exchange events
June 10, 2015 PLANNING MEETING - 4th Spring 2015 Discussion - FICTION, An Unnecessary Woman
June 17, 2015 Evernote Learning Community
June 24, 2015 TBD
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Date: June 12, 2015
Time: 2:00 PM ET
Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Sally Gilbert, Beth Dailey, TLT Group and others
Some questions to consider:
Short Resources. Consider reviewing these to help you decide whether to read the book or instead of reading the book. It's a great book!!
Other YouTube videos:
Up-coming FridayLive! events
June 12, 2015 Spring 2015 “Book” Discussion Series - An Unnecessary Woman
June 19, 2015 A Conversation with Art Chickering and More
June 26, 2015 Look for “Recommendations from Librarians for Faculty Beginning to Teach (More) Online and for Students Beginning to Take Online Courses”
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Alameddine, Rabih (2014) An Unnecessary Woman
Nov 11, 2014, Grove Press
NEXT BOOK DISCUSSION: We are beginning to design the next book discussion, please give us your feedback.
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@TLTGroup | Encourage. Enable. Engage. |
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