Tuesday, September 30, 2014

TGIF: What I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Started Teaching Online, FRIDAYLIVE

You can also view the newsletter here.

Fifth issue, Volume Eight
 TLT Group TGIF 9.30.14
 From TLT Group World

Book Discussions
It’s not too late to join the current book discussion taking place via Voicethread about VoiceThread, How to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread. Register Here

A series of book discussions is planned for November, December, and January. The goal of this series is to assist in applying cognitive science & brain research to teaching/learning principles, strategies, practices. Let us know what you think about these books and whether you would like to play a role in moderating, survey link here

Brown, P.C., Roediger, H.L. & McDaniel, M.A. (2014). SCHOLARLY.  Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

6 quotes re PROMISING educ tech from 60s to now. Guess missing dates & tech names? Answers 9/26 2pmET tlt.gs/frlv free online

Can you identify the redacted references in the quotations excerpted below?
The promising educational technologies?  The decades?  The years of publication?
Plus ca change?  Is it time to end the "long history of optimism" about computers in education? From 1960s CAI to MOOCs, Badges, & iPhones today.

  1. "In <YEAR>, ...Stanford University <professor> was experi­menting with the use of <TECHNOLOGY> to teach reading and writ­ing to California schoolchildren. Despite...he saw almost limitless potential in the technology.  'One can predict that, in a few years, millions of school­children will have access to what Philip of Macedon’s son Alexander enjoyed as a royal prerogative: the services of a tutor as well-informed and as responsive as Aristotle,'” 
  2. "Far from realizing the high ideals of their advocates, <TECHNOLOGY> seem to be reinforcing the advantages of the 'haves' rather than educating the 'have-nots.' Better access to technology and improved basic education are needed worldwide before  <TECHNOLOGY can genuinely live up to their promise."    

End of the "long history of optimism" about computers in education? From 1960s CAI to MOOCs, Badges, & iPhones today.

Excerpt about 1965-1975!

"Computer-assisted instruction (CA1) and the use of courseware has a long history of optimism associated with it even though much of what was first put into computers as CAI was just programmed instruction material that had been repackaged. In 1966, a fully developed CA1 was seen as only being a few years away. Charles E. Silverman, a senior editor of Fortune magazine, viewed the computer as offering 'a technology by which, for the first time, instruction really can be geared to the specific abilities, needs, and progress of each individual,' and went on to say, 'this quest for ways to individualize instruction is emerging as the most important single force for innovation and reform.' Patrick Suppes of Stanford University stated at the same time, 'One can predict that in a few more years millions of school children will have access to what Philip of Macedon's son Alexander enjoyed as a royal prerogative: the personal services of a tutor as well-informed and responsive as Aristotle. '56

"However, by the l970s, both Silverman and Suppes had a different assessment of the impact of the computer in the classroom. Silverman in his 1970 report for the Carnegie Corporation criticized the 'advocates and prophets' of computer-assisted instruction for having made 'extravagant predictions of wonder to come.'57 In 1974, in reviewing the research on the effectiveness of computer learning, Suppes and his associates acknowledged that findings of ‘no significant differences’ dominate the research literature in this area, but that 'it may be useful in small doses as a supplement to regular instruction with regard to elementary skill-drill practices.'58"

Above excerpted from: 

The Evolution of American Educational Technology (Google eBook), by Paul Saettler, IAP, Jan 1, 2004, p. 404  http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=9781593111397
Quoting from "The Uses of Computers in Education.", by Patrick Suppes in  Scientific American, v215 n3 p206-20 Sep 1966.

TGIF: Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread - How To & Discussion

You can also view the newsletter here.

Fourth issue, Volume Eight
 TLT Group TGIF 9.23.14
 From TLT Group World
Thank you Michelle Pacansky-Brock! You gave us so many amazing learning out loud ideas on FridayLive.  Your book is a great resource How to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread.
The conversation with Michelle continues in the  Book Discussion and How to Series “Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

TGIF: How to Humanize Your Course with VoiceThread, FridayLive

You can also view the newsletter here.

Second issue, Volume Eight
 TLT Group TGIF 9.10.14
 From TLT Group World
Thank you Stephen Kaufman and Jill Phipps (The University of Akron)for a great session on gamification in hybrid courses. You gave us many new ideas.  For example, ForAllRubrics, a site to use for posting student badges. We would like to hear from you! Would like to learn more about badges and about this site.  Also let us know if you have expertise in this area you would like to share. Survey link
Those who register for the Book Discussion and How to Series “Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread”will receive a complimentary copy of Michelle Pacansky-Brock’s bookHow to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread.
You will also be able to engage in conversation with Michelle.

TLT Membership
Become a new member or renew your membership and receive a headset for $100.00 (USD)

You can become an individual member without a headset for $75.00 (USD).
Did you know…
  • if you have participated in or registered for TOL4B you will receive a $25 discount. Enter discount code TLO4B.
  • if you have retired you will receive $40 discount. Enter discount code RETIREE.
  • if you are a current student you will receive a $50 discount. Enter discount code: STUDENT.
 More from the TLT-SWG Blog

Blog post from Michelle Pacansky-BrockVoiceThreading Learning Opportunities Ahead!
  Members Exchange,THURSDAY
Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: THE BASICS (Book Discussion and “How To” Series)
DATE: September 18, 2014
Time: 3:00 PM ET
Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others
This session is designed for those new to VoiceThread and for those who may want a refresher in preparation for the next session on more advanced features.

To prepare for this learning experience, complete the following prior to the session:
  1. Set up a VoiceThread account,http://voicethread.com/
  2. Find an image and bring it to the session.
  3. Prepare to use microphone to communicate, record audio via computer, Internet
  4. Play thisvideofor background information on VoiceThread.
  5. NOTE: VoiceThread has recently updated, in case you haven't checked it out.  This video explains the new features.

If you want to delve a little deeper into VoiceThread.  We are also offering a book discussion and how series.Check it out.

Upcoming Member Exchange events
September 24th Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: BEYOND THE BASICS (Book Discussion and “How To” Series)
October 1, 2014 Keeping Up
October 8, 2014 SMART PHONES - "MOBILE LEARNING" - including use of voice 
Learning Out Loud: “How to Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread”
Date: September 19, 2014  
Time:2:00-3:00 pm ET - free to all
Presenters:Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, TLT Group and others

A conversation with the author ofHow to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread,”Michelle Pacansky-Brock. This interactive session is intended for VoiceThread beginners who are seeking to learn more about the unique benefits that VoiceThread brings to the college teaching experience. Michelle will draw largely upon her own teaching experiences and will share findings from an ongoing study about how learning out loud is impacting her community college learners. There will also be opportunities for Q & A.

As always, we invite you to become a TLT member if you are not already. Join us by following thislink. Direct your membership questions to Sally Gilbert

Up-coming FridayLive!events
September 26th Good Enough for Other People’s Children?
October 3rd Insights from a First Time Online Teacher 
 Book Discussion and “How To” Series

 Book Discussion and “How To” Series, Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread

Synchronous events
: Sept 18th, Sept. 24th, Oct.15th 2014 at 3:00 PM ET

Asynchronous discussions will take place each week using VoiceThread to support your learning of content introduced in our synchronous events.
Time: 3:00 PM ET
Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, Michelle Pacansky-Brock, and others

Register Here for the Series

The series will be anchored around Michelle Pacansky-Brock's eBook,
How to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread. Using voice in an online environment has many benefits one of which is to create a more "real," a more human, online experience for our learners.

The events will include one webinar that will be free and open to the public (FridayLive, Sept 19th) followed by a series of deeper dive experiences designed to engage participants in group dialogue and reflection about the eBook's narrative which is designed to support an individual's pedagogical growth, experimentation and development..

This series is open to members of the TLT Group and will include:

  • 3 synchronous events (2 how-to VoiceThread webinars with TLT staff and one online conversation with Michelle Pacansky-Brock). See dates below/
  • A complimentary copy of Michelle's eBook, “How to Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread”
  • An opportunity to apply your new VoiceThreading skills in a TLT VoiceThread group (a minimum of a free VoiceThread account is required).  Group members will have access to a series of VoiceThreads that I've designed to support a reflective conversation about the eBook chapters, as well as provide opportunity to actively apply some of the skills demonstrated in the eBook.

After Oct 15th Continue the learning in the VoiceThread Google+ Community.  

Below are the dates of the synchronous events:
  1. September 18, Thursday, 3 PM ET. Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: The Basics.
  2. September 24, Wednesday, 3 PM ET Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: Beyond The Basics Conversation will continue via VoiceThread
  3. October 15, Wednesday, 3 PM ET
Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: A Conversation with Author Michelle Pacansky-Brock

Continue the conversation using VT Google+ Community

All TLT Group Members and subscribers are welcome to attend and participate. We invite you to become a member, if you are not already. Join us by following this link. Direct your membership questions to Sally Gilbert

 Encourage. Enable. Engage.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

TGIF: Building Gamification into your Blended Course, FridayLive

You can also view the newsletter here.

Second issue, Volume Eight
 TLT Group TGIF 9.10.14
 From TLT Group World
We are grateful to our members who helped us launch our new "Keeping Up" series on FridayLive! last week: Douglas Eder, Penny Kuckkahn, Henry Schafer and Nicki Ugalde. This series will continue the first Wednesday of every month for TLT members. Join us on October 1st. See our planning document.
Tell us what you would like to contribute or what question you would like to have answered using this survey.

                                                                                   Be sure to register for the
Book Discussion and How to Series “Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread” which is starting soon. It is a great time to renew your TLT membership or to become a member.

TLT Membership
You can become an individual member for $75.00 (USD).
Did you know…

  • if you have participated in or registered for TOL4B you will receive a $25 discount. Enter discount code TLO4B.
  • if you have retired you will receive $40 discount. Enter discount code RETIREE.
  • if you are a current student you will receive a $50 discount. Enter discount code: STUDENT.
 More from the TLT-SWG Blog

Blog post from Michelle Pacansky-BrockVoiceThreading Learning Opportunities Ahead!
  Members Exchange,THURSDAY
 Adjusting and Experimenting with Headsets
Date: September 11, 2014
Time: 3-4 pm Eastern
Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey and others
Register Here

One of our goals is to encourage TLT Members to use voice online and to create opportunities to experiment in a safe environment. This session will focus on the basics of setting up a headset and the necessary adjustments and readjustments that are involved.
In addition, we will include activities for people new to using headsets that you might use with your students and with colleagues.

As always, we invite you to become a TLT member if you are not already. Join us by following this link. Direct your membership questions to Sally Gilbert

Upcoming Member Exchange events
September 18th: Learning Out Loud: “How to Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread”
September 24th: Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: BEYOND THE BASICS (Book Discussion and “How To” Series)                                                                                      
October 1, 2014 Keeping Up
 We've Got Game - Strategies for Building Gamification into Your Blended  Classroom
 September 12, 2014
Time: 2:00-3:00 pm ET - free to all
Presenters: Stephen Kaufman & Jill Phipps from The University of Akron, Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, TLT Group and others
Register Here
Gamification is a popular trend in the business world to reward customers for their loyalty and activities. It seems that everywhere you look, you are earning points, credit, or reputation based on your actions. Why do businesses do this? They want to create a sense of pride, achievement, and belonging for their customers. These intentions seem to parallel the same goals for higher education. We want our students to take pride in their work. We want them to demonstrate and share their achievements, and most importantly, we want them to feel a sense of belonging to a community.

The intention of gamification is not to turn your course into a game, but to reward and encourage behavior that is in line with achieving your learning objectives. We are already gamifying our classrooms through participation points. We reward students for raising their hands, contributing to conversations, and for demonstrating proficiency in subject matter. However, do these points only have to add up to a total score in the grade book? Or, could it lead to something more?

In this session, we will be discussing: - Strategies and ideas to integrate a sense gamification into your course - Promoting student engagement and active learning - Leveraging of existing social media platforms - Tying learning objectives to achievement badges - Utilizing gamification to motivate not only students, but faculty as well.
September  FridayLive! line-up
September 19th Learning Out Loud: “How to Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread”
September 26th Good Enough for Other People’s Children?
 Book Discussion and “How To” Series  Book Discussion and “How To” Series, Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread

Synchronous events
: Sept 18th, Sept. 24th, Oct.15th 2014 at 3:00 PM ET

Asynchronous discussions will take place each week using VoiceThread to support your learning of content introduced in our synchronous events.
Time: 3:00 PM ET
Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, Michelle Pacansky-Brock, and others

Register Here for the Series

The series will be anchored around Michelle Pacansky-Brock's eBook,
How to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread. Using voice in an online environment has many benefits one of which is to create a more "real," a more human, online experience for our learners.

The events will include one webinar that will be free and open to the public (FridayLive, Sept 19th) followed by a series of deeper dive experiences designed to engage participants in group dialogue and reflection about the eBook's narrative which is designed to support an individual's pedagogical growth, experimentation and development..

This series is open to members of the TLT Group and will include:

  • 3 synchronous events (2 how-to VoiceThread webinars with TLT staff and one online conversation with Michelle Pacansky-Brock). See dates below/
  • A complimentary copy of Michelle's eBook, “How to Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread”
  • An opportunity to apply your new VoiceThreading skills in a TLT VoiceThread group (a minimum of a free VoiceThread account is required).  Group members will have access to a series of VoiceThreads that I've designed to support a reflective conversation about the eBook chapters, as well as provide opportunity to actively apply some of the skills demonstrated in the eBook.

After Oct 15th Continue the learning in the VoiceThread Google+ Community.  

Below are the dates of the synchronous events:
  1. September 18, Thursday, 3 PM ET. Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: The Basics.
  2. September 24, Wednesday, 3 PM ET Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: Beyond The Basics Conversation will continue via VoiceThread
  3. October 15, Wednesday, 3 PM ET
Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: A Conversation with Author Michelle Pacansky-Brock

Continue the conversation using VT Google+ Community

All TLT Group Members and subscribers are welcome to attend and participate. We invite you to become a member, if you are not already. Join us by following this link. Direct your membership questions to Sally Gilbert

 Encourage. Enable. Engage.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

TGIF: The new season starts this week!

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web

First issue Volume Eight

TLT Group TGIF 9.3.2014           
From Group World Headquarters

Our new season starts this week with two events:

  1. Members Exchange:  Thursday
    Good Enough for Other People’s Children
Date: September 4, 2014
Time: 3-4 pm Eastern
Register Here
  1. FridayLive!
Keeping Up
Date: September 5, 2014
Time: 2-3 pm Eastern
Register Here

Be sure to register for the
Book Discussion and How to Series “Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread”which is starting soon.  

It is a great time to renew your TLT membership or to become a member. TLT Membership
You can become an individual member for $75.00 (USD).
Did you know…
  • if you have participated in or registered forTOL4Byou will receive a $25 discount. Enter discount code TLO4B.
  • if you haveretiredyou will receive $40 discount. Enter discount code RETIREE.
  • if you are a currentstudentyou will receive a $50 discount. Enter discount code: STUDENT.
Join Us,Click  hereto get started. 

    More from the TLT-SWG Blog

    Blog post from Michelle Pacansky-Brock VoiceThreading Learning Opportunities Ahead!

    Members Exchange:  Up-coming Thursday event
    Good Enough for Other People’s Children
    Date: September 4, 2014
    Time: 3-4 pm Eastern
    Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey and others


    More to come…...

    September Member Exchange events
    September 11th: Adjusting and Experimenting with Headsets
    September 18th: Learning Out Loud: “How to Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread”
    September 24th: Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: BEYOND THE BASICS (Book Discussion and “How To” Series)

    Keeping Up
    Date: September 5, 2014
    Time: 2-3 pm Eastern
    Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey and others

    On September 5th we are launching a NEW series called "Keeping Up." Various TLT members will share something new they are experimenting with and everyone is welcome to pose a question or challenge you would like to group to address. This link will take you to a Google form to post your question.

    "Keeping Up" will be offered on the first Wednesday of each month for TLT Members. In these informal sessions members are invited to:
    • Share something new you are experimenting with or have just discovered.
    • Come with questions or challenges you are facing. We will brainstorm possible solutions together.
    • Come and listen.
    As always, we invite you to become a TLT member if you are not already. Join us by following this link. Direct your membership questions to Sally Gilbert

    September  FridayLive! line-up
    September 12th We've Got Game - Strategies for Building Gamification into Your Blended Classroom
    September 19th Learning Out Loud: “How to Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread”
    September 26th Good Enough for Other People’s Children?

      Book Discussion and “How To” Series
      Voicehread Symbol.jpg

      Book Discussion and “How To” Series
      Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread
      Synchronous events:Sept 18th, Sept. 24th, Oct.15th 2014 at 3:00 PM ET
      Asynchronous discussions
      will take place each week using VoiceThread to support your learning of content introduced in our synchronous events.                           
      Time: 3:00 PM ET
      Presenters: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, Michelle Pacansky-Brock, and others
      Using voice in an online environment has many benefits one of which is to create a more "real," a more human, online experience for our learners. This series of events is designed to help you become more comfortable using VoiceThread, an application that connects many voices, yours and your students:
      • two “how to” webinars,
      • weekly asynchronous VoiceThread book discussions with colleagues and author, Michelle Pacansky-Brock. and
      • a synchronous conversation with the author via webinar.

      As a TLT member you have access to a free copy of the book we will be discussing,“How to Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread”by Michelle Pancansky-Brock.
      Below are the dates of the synchronous events:
      1. TLTG Members Exchange:Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread:The Basics. (Th, Sept 18, 3 PM ET)
        Conversation will continue via VoiceThread
      2. TLTG Members Exchange:Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread:Beyond The Basics (Wed., Sept 24, 3 PM ET)
        Conversation will continue via VoiceThread
      3. TLTG Members Exchange: Learning Out Loud with VoiceThread: A Conversation with Author Michelle Pacansky-Brock (Wed., October 15th, 3 PM ET)

      Continue the conversation usingVT Google+ Community

           @TLTGroup, #tltgFRLV
      Encourage. Enable. Engage.