Thursday, June 27, 2013

FridayLive! 2pm et June 28: "To MOOC or not to MOOC?" How MOOCish should FrLv! be?

More info, register:

We'll discuss favorite topics, presenters, and activities FROM FridayLive! 2012-13 and FOR FridayLive! 2013-14... And 
How MOOCish has TLT Group's FridayLive! always been? How MOOCish should it be this coming academic year? 
Which of these changes would make FridayLive! more MOOCish?  How desirable are these changes?
*Increase continuity from week to week?
*Provide articulated sequence of several weekly sessions with beginning, end, intended accomplishments for participants?
*Offer/urge/require preparatory work for sessions?
*Offer/urge/require "assignment" work between sessions?
*Encourage/support multiple ways of participating:  lurking, discussing, doing preparatory or follow up assignments?
*Offer some kind of certification for participation or accomplishment?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

TGIF: Planning and Reflecting

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Twenty-fifth issue, Volume Six

TLT Group TGIF 6.26.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

A special thank you to John Sener, Dee Fink, John Prusch, Jane Harris, Doug Eder and all who helped make the TLT Seven Futures of American Education MOOCOW a success. Look for more on this topic next season.

Your feedback will help us continuously improve FridayLive. Please join the conversation on Friday, Review, Respond and Shape FridayLive!, as we look back on this past year and plan next year.  If you can’t join us, share your thoughts via this survey.

Join TLT Group - Membership Benefits!
    More from the TLT-SWG Blog

    Members Exchange:
    DIIGO for Beginners - Specific Uses for Very Smart Dummies (who have a sense of humor!)
    (This session is free to TLT Group Members Fee to others)
    July 10, 2013 3:00 pm Eastern Time
    Leaders: Dale Parker, James Mansfield, Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others

    This is the next in our Designated Learner series.
    This is the next in our Designated Learner series.
    DIIGO is a content curation tool
    Dale Parker, Designated Teacher, will walk James Mansfield,  Designated Learner, through how to use DIIGO to do the following DIIGO basics:
    • Download the tool bar
    • Organize web pages
    • Share web pages
    Beginning online teachers  should find this session especially useful.

    In preparation for the session, create an account in DIIGO  and assemble some electronic resources that you would like to collect and share.

    Silver MOOCow Planning Fishbowl events:
    June 26 (3:00 PM ET) and
    July 12th (2:00 Pm ET)
    Teaching Online for Beginners [for Very Smart Dummies] A Curriculum for Online “Course,” MOOCow, Coaching/Mentoring
    MOOCow= Massive Open Online Course Or Whatever
    Help from/for? Silver Cloudians

    Visit working draft Website

    Participate, brainstorm with others to continue to construct a MOOC starting in October 4th.

    TLT MOOCow - Teaching Online for Beginners
    October 4 - Nov 15, 2013
    A Curriculum for Online “Course,” MOOCow, Coaching/Mentoring

    The series will begin on October 4, 2013 and conclude on November 15, 2013. It will consist of four live synchronous sessions (see schedule below) and four modules. The Central Course Communication page is now available.

    Presenters; Steve Gilbert and Beth Dailey and Others.

    Review, Respond and Shape FridayLive!
    June 28, 2012  2:00-3:00 pm ET - free to all.  
    Presenters: Steve Gilbert and Beth Dailey

    This week join us to review the first half of 2013, respond to our events and help shape the Fall sessions of FridayLive!

    We especially want to thank those who have been so helpful to us this year in furthering our scope.  We look forward to having them continue to our future events.
    If you can’t join us on Friday share your thoughts via this survey.

      Up-coming  FridayLive! schedule:

      July 12 Silver Cloud MOOCow Planning Session

    MOOCs Round FOUR

    Teaching Online for Beginners
    October 4 - November 15, 2013

    TLT MOOCow - Teaching Online for Beginners
    October 4 - Nov 15, 2013
    A Curriculum for Online “Course,” MOOCow, Coaching/Mentoring

    The series will begin on October 4, 2013 and conclude on November 15, 2013. It will consist of four live synchronous sessions (see schedule below) and four modules. The Central Course Communication page is now available.
    Presenters; Steve Gilbert and Beth Dailey and Others

    Encourage. Enable. Engage.

    Wednesday, June 19, 2013

    TGIF: Evernote and 7 Futures MOOCow

    Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

    Twenty-forth issue, Volume Six

    TLT Group TGIF 6.18.2013           
    From Group World Headquarters

    In June and July our focus is on MOOCs:
    • The Seven Futures of American Education MOOCOW: 5/17 - 6/21
    • Teaching Online for Beginners MOOCOW: 10/4 - 11/15.  Join the planning taking place in June and July, see details below.
    Join TLT Group - Membership Benefits!
      Developing a MOOCow? Who owns what/when? See: Coursera’s Terms of Service. Discuss 5/31 2pmET re: Teaching Online FridayLive!

      June 19, 2013 3:00 pm Eastern Time
      Leaders: Irene Knokh,  John Munro, Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others
      This is the next in our Designated Learner series.

      Irene Knokh, Designated Teacher, walk John Munro, Designated Learner, through how he could use Evernote to assemble a variety of resources for the first class session of an online for face to face class.
      Beginning online teachers  should find this session especially useful.

      In preparation for the session, create an account in DIIGO ( and Evernote ( and assemble some electronic resources that you would like to collect and share.

      This session is free to TLT Group Individual Members.  ($75 to others)

      *Dale Parker and James Mansfield will return soon with a session on DIIGO

      Silver MOOCow Planning Fishbowl events:
      June 26 (3:00 PM ET) and
      July 12th (2:00 Pm ET)
      Teaching Online for Beginners [for Very Smart Dummies] A Curriculum for Online “Course,” MOOCow, Coaching/Mentoring
      MOOCow= Massive Open Online Course Or Whatever
      Help from/for? Silver Cloudians

      Visit working draft Website

      Participate, brainstorm with others to continue to construct a MOOC starting in October 4th.

      TLT MOOCow
      Teaching Online for Beginners
      October 4 - Nov 15, 2013

      Registration available soon!

      7FsMOOCow Live Session
      The Seven Futures Approach to IEQ: Sharing Your Plans Reflecting on Your Experience
      Third Open Session
      June 21, 2013  2:00-3:00 pm ET  
      Presenters; John Sener and Steve Gilbert

      - free to all. Register Here

      This session will include:  

      • What are the 7 futures and how do they connect with the planning approach offered?  
      • Main topics of the first 4 modules and assignments:  Quality, Challenges, Criteria, and Strategies.
      • Updates and examples from Designated Learners (DLs)
      • Q&A

        This schMOOC/MOOCOW* (Massive Open Online Course Or Whatever) explores John Sener's book "The Seven Futures of American Education: Improving Learning & Teaching in a Screen-Captured World."

        The 7FsMOOCow home base click here.

        Up-coming  FridayLive! schedule:
        June 28 Review, Respond and Shape
        July 12 Silver Cloud MOOCow Planning Session
      MOOCs Round Three

      Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW
      May 17 - June 21, 2013

      Communicate with fellow schMOOC/MOOCOW’s here

      You are welcome to drop in as we wrap up and plan for the future!
      Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW


      The schMOOC/MOOCOW* (Massive Open Online Course Or Whatever) will explore John Sener's book "The Seven Futures of American Education: Improving Learning & Teaching in a Screen-Captured World."


      NOTE:  *a “schMOOC/MOOCOW” is our version of a MOOC (Massively Open Online Course):
      schMOOC”  = “somewhat connectivist, hypothetically Massive Open Online Course” --
      “somewhat connectivist” because the course offers DIY and other connectivist options but also offers more structure than a typical cMOOC. “hypothetically” Massive because the course is open to all but not likely to be huge.

      Encourage. Enable. Engage.