Tuesday, September 24, 2013

TGIF -- Change that Sticks, FridayLive

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Fourth issue, Volume Seven

TLT Group TGIF 9.24.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

FridayLive on September 27th
Change that Sticks – Sustainable Strategies for Engaging Faculty Wisdom and Growing Student LearningRegister Here

Friday, September 20, 2013

TODAY! 9/20 2pmET tlt.gs/frlv “Social Collab in the Classroom: Student Sharing Strategies”-free online. Kuckkahn’s Cross Paper #16 http://www.league.org/store/catalog.htm?Iit=50&Ict=2

Social Collaboration in the Classroom: Student Sharing Strategies

September 20, 2013  2:00-3:00 pm ET - free to all.  
Presenter;  Penny Kuckkahn of Nicolet College

Penny Kuckkahn, instructional designer from Nicolet College, will offer strategies and resources for sharing info and her pedagogical framework for developing social collaboration.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"There's an App for That 4" Tim Lombardo’s list of Apps from TLTGroup FridayLive! 9/13 tlt.gs/frlv free online tlt.gs/blog #appthtTLTG

 "There's an App for That 4.0" 
List of links (below) provided by Tim Lombardo.
Apps he recommended and/or demonstrated during FridayLive! online session  Friday, Sept 13, 2013, 2-3:30PM ET featuring 
our Favorite App Guys:  
Steve Kaufman, Akron University;  Aaron Carpenter, Ashland University;  Tim Lombardo, Ohio State University 

Links to almost all Apps mentioned in this terrific session available via DIIGO repository of links additional info, links via this Blog  Complete digital recording of this online session (and many others) including audio, slides, and text chat available only to TLT Group members.  Please join! and use this link tlt.gs/memarchives to access the full collection of archived sessions.  

Join us every/any week as we continue to share good ideas, resources, suggestions, and specific [small] next steps in the TLT Group's FridayLive! free weekly online sessions.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"There's an App for That 4" FridayLive! 9/13 Twitter "Transcript" from #appthtTLTG tlt.gs/frlv free online tlt.gs/blog

 "There's an App for That 4.0" 
Transcript below compiled from all Tweets with hashtag #appthtTLTG as of 9/18 for online session  Friday, Sept 13, 2013, 2-3:30PM ET featuring our Favorite App Guys:  
Steve Kaufman, Akron University;  Aaron Carpenter, Ashland University;  Tim Lombardo, Ohio State University 

Links to almost all Apps mentioned in this terrific session available via DIIGO repository of links additional info, links via this Blog  Complete digital recording of this online session (and many others) including audio, slides, and text chat available only to TLT Group members.  Please join! and use this link tlt.gs/memarchives to access the full collection of archived sessions.  

Join us every/any week as we continue to share good ideas, resources, suggestions, and specific [small] next steps in the TLT Group's FridayLive! free weekly online sessions.  

  1. 4th even better than previous "App for Thats"! Thanks: Steve Kaufman, Aaron Carpenter, Tim Lombardo!
  2. thanks for the presentation! yay, ending with a black cat on friday the 13th!
  3. "biggest apprehension to classroom tech" question brings up interesting comments from attendees
  4. BYOD : bring your own device ... into the classroom re: accommodating various platforms

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TGIF -- Tips on Enhancing Online Collaboration, FridayLive

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Third issue, Volume Seven

TLT Group TGIF 9.17.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

Social Collaboration in the Classroom: Student Sharing Strategies Penny Kuckkahn returns to FridayLive September 20th to share the second phase of her framework for developing social collaboration through sharing.

Monday, September 16, 2013

“There’s an App for That 4" Slides, links, chat transcript. TLTGroup FridayLive! 9/13 #appthtTLTG tlt.gs/frlv free online tlt.gs/blog

 "There's an App for That 4.0" 
Friday, Sept 13, 2013, 2-3:30PM ET.
Our Favorite App Guys:  Steve Kaufman, Akron University;  Aaron Carpenter, Ashland University;  Tim Lombardo, Ohio State University 

Links to almost all Apps mentioned in this terrific session available via DIIGO repository of links, and with additional links, comments from Twitter #appthtTLTG.
Click here for slides.  See below for full transcription of text chat.

Over 250 registered in advance for 100 free spaces.  Members of TLT Group had priority.   Complete digital recording of this online session (and many others) including audio, slides, and text chat available only to TLT Group members.  Please join! and use this link tlt.gs/memarchives to access the full collection of archived sessions.  

Join us every/any week as we continue to share good ideas, resources, suggestions, and specific [small] next steps in the TLT Group's FridayLive! free weekly online sessions.  

Text Chat Transcript - 3 sections of full text below 
[Most comments about microphone adjustments, etc. omitted] 
1.  Prelims - Greetings, informal mention of a few Apps, Fundamental Questions 1:45-2:00PM ET
2.  Actual Session - Links, descriptions, additional Apps offered by participants 2-3:00PM ET
3. Afterthoughts "Is there an App for this?" Obstacles 3-3:30PM ET

I hope you find all this interesting and useful!  
                       - Steve Gilbert, President, TLT Group Sept 16, 2013

1.  PRELIMS 1:45-2:00PM ET
Greetings, informal mention of a few Apps, Fundamental Questions 
Penny Kuckkahn, Nicolet College:#appthtTLTG Twitter hashtag
Timothy Lombardo:I created that with multiple apps
Charles J. Ansorge:Cape Meares, Oregon
Steve Kaufman:Representing Northeast Ohio!
Yanni Cooper:Blacksburg, Virginia
Sam Eneman, Univ. of North Carolina Charlotte:Hello from Charlotte NC!
Angela:Los Angeles
Nancy Fire:Hi from Denton, TX

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fav App Guys Ask for Apps to: Capture instructor's handwriting & audio? Use DURING lectures? tweet answers #appthtTLTG (for FrLv 9/13)

We always learn a lot from our favorite App Guys, but can WE HELP THEM? They'll deluge us with some new educational apps, they'll ask our help with some of their own challenges, and they'll try to answer your requests.
There's still time to send your  suggestions for "There's an App for that 4.0" during FridayLive September 13. Tweet to #appthtTLTG
[Registration is already full, but we'll make avail a full digital recording/archive early next week for TLT Group members.]

We'll see how you'll help our App Guys with: 

  • Apps DURING Lecture Favorite apps to use when lecturing with iPad? 

Challenge our Fav App Guys! FridayLive 9/13 tweet QUESTIONS FOR THEM #appthtTLTG e.g., rubrics; voice-to-text; App smashing

We always learn a lot from our favorite App Guys, but can we stump them? They'll deluge us with some new educational apps, they'll ask our help with some of their own challenges, and they'll try to answer your requests.
There's still time to send your questions, suggestions for "There's an App for that 4.0" during FridayLive September 13. Tweet to #appthtTLTG
[Registration is already full, but we'll make avail a full digital recording/archive early next week for TLT Group members.]

We'll see what our App Guys might suggest about (excerpts from emails, etc): 

  • Learning Disabled Students "Help learning disabled students with recording their voice and converting to text? Both iOS and android"

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

TGIF: Can you stump "The App Guys?”

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Second issue, Volume Seven

TLT Group TGIF 9.10.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

Can you “stump The App Guys?” Try your luck during FridayLive September 13th. You can also send your questions in advance:
  1. Tweet your question to #appthtTLTG
  2. E-mail your question to stevegilbert1.tlt-swgdraft@blogger.com
Check out the entire FridayLive fall schedule.

Teaching Online for Beginners for Very Smart Dummies The series begins on October 4, 2013 and concludes on November 15, 2013. There are several ways for you to be involved:
  • Participate or observe the PLANNING, tlt.gs/login.  
    • 9/11/13, 4:00 PM ET
Planning document link.
Course goals and schedule link.
Course flow link.

    More from the TLT-SWG Blog
    Members Exchange Kicks Off on September 25th
    DIIGO for Beginners - Specific Uses for Very Smart Dummies (who have a sense of humor!) This is the next in our Designated Learner series.
    September 25, 2013 3:00 pm Eastern Time
    Leaders: Dale Parker, James Mansfield, Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others
    (This session is free to TLT Group Members. Fee to others)

    DIIGO is a content curation tool

    Dale Parker, Designated Teacher, will walk James Mansfield,  Designated Learner, through how to use DIIGO to do the following DIIGO basics:

    • Download the tool bar
    • Organize web pages
    • Share web pages

    Beginning online teachers  should find this session especially useful.

    In preparation for the session, create an account in DIIGO  https://www.diigo.com/ and assemble some electronic resources that you would like to collect and share. This link will take you the lessons that are emerging from our Designated Learner instructional strategy experimentation.

    Up-coming  FridayLive! schedule:

    Sept. 13  There's an Ap for that 4.0
    Sept. 20  Social Collaboration in the Classroom: Student Sharing Strategies with Penny Kuckkahn
    Sept. 27  Change that Sticks – Sustainable Strategies for Engaging Faculty Wisdom and Growing Student Learning
    October 4   MOOCow: Teaching Online for Beginners - Getting Started
    October 11 The Why and How of Using Facebook to Improve Community College Student Success

    MOOCs Round FOUR

    Teaching Online for Beginners
    October 4 - November 15, 2013

    Participate or observe the PLANNING, tlt.gs/login.  
    Next planning session:
    • 9/11/13, 4:00 PM ET
    Planning document link.
    Course goals and schedule link.
    Course flow link. 

    TLT MOOCow - Teaching Online for Beginners for Very Smart Dummies
    October 4 - Nov 15, 2013
    Presenters; Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey and Others

    Demonstrate, describe, offer experience in teaching/learning online that can be accomplished with imagination, technology, patience... focusing low-threshold options … while respecting more limited, more traditional ways of teaching/learning in online courses.

    The series will consist of four live synchronous sessions, three TLT Member Google Hangouts with veteran online faculty and many ways for you to chose your own path and create your own experiences over a 6 week period of time.

    NOTE: we are looking for a group from an institution interested in participating in the MOOCow together.  Contact Steve Gilbert stevegilbert@tltgroup.org

    Encourage. Enable. Engage.