Tuesday, December 04, 2012

What if you’re NOT alone? Add’l roles to improve online/hybrid courses/sessions Dec12 2pmET Free reg: tlt.gs/OLIreg TLTGroup

"You’re not alone!" Or are you?  
How much/little authority, responsibility, tasks can/should be shared?
How can a colleague or student help you?
Join us online Wed Dec 12 2pmET Registration free to TLT Group Members and help develop the role of "Designated Learner" [see below] and other roles to improve online/hybrid courses, sessions. We'll discuss:  
  • What could be helpful when a teacher of an online or hybrid course is NOT solely responsible for its content, structure, production, etc.? Similarly for workshops, conference sessions, etc.
  • What's the least an additional person could do to be useful in contributing to the teaching/running of online/hybrid sessions?
  • What could someone (who is NOT the leader of the MOOC or even affiliated with the institution that sponsors/supports/"owns" the MOOC) do to help take advantage of a MOOC?  

WHAT IS A "DESIGNATED LEARNER"? [Alternative labels: Delegated Learner, Voice of the Learner, Learner Representative, Model Learner, Surrogate Learner, Visible Learner, ...]

  • A genuine beginner (with respect to the particular tool, resource or concept being learned).
  • Someone who has NOT already learned how to use the tool/resource.
  • Someone who goes through the learning process live, in public, asking questions, showing false starts, willing to reveal mistakes. 
  • Someone whose questions and requests keep the instructor moving along slowly enough so that others who are observing can also be participating live/real time in this first-time learning experience - actually using the tool/resource at least once with some success 
  • Someone who asks questions that others probably want to ask... but are either reluctant or unable (can't get microphone) to ask for themselves. 
[Comments: "all learning is about beginning". Isn't this model like some cultures in which a common classroom practice brings someone who is NOT a quick learner to the front of the class to demonstrate "at the board" NOT how to succeed most facilely, but rather how to succeed WITH HELP... and provide opportunities for more classmates to learn better/deeper by guiding the learning of peers - "learning by teaching"!!!]

What if the additional person is a faculty colleague from the same academic department? What if the person is a student serving as "designated scribe"? What if the person is a retiree quite expert in the subject? A retiree from another discipline entirely? An instructional designer? A Grad TA?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the roles that have been filled by teaching assistants in large lecture classes.


What do you think?