Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Social Networking and Higher Ed Part 2: Chat Transcript of FridayLive! #TLTGFrLv033012

Social Networking continued...More recommended apps, an Aplia demo, and discussion about blog and bookmarking services. With special focus on what first thing a faculty member could do to begin with social networking.
Text Chat Transcript - including links - Below  

Text Chat Transcript

------------------------------- (03/30/2012 13:54) -------------------------------
David McCurry, TLT Group: Welcome to Friday Live!

------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:00) -------------------------------
David McCurry, TLT Group: OK, I will open with a brief orientation.

Arta Szathmary: Hello,  I made it in!

David McCurry, TLT Group: Very brief.

Laura Robinson: Hello!  I had to enter as a "Guest" again:  for some reason I haven't been able to enter using my user name and password.

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: Hey there Arta!

suehellman: Hi from Melbourne!

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: Laura-  Have you used your email as BOTH login and password?

Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Loud and clear.

Herb: loud and clear, greetings.

Ilene Frank: Sounds ok!

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: Hi Sue- so glad to have you!

Laura Robinson: Yes, I have!  This session and the last, too.

Ann G Pearlman: Sound and Image are good.

Beth Dailey: My e-mail did not work as user name and password

Beth Dailey: I used my TLT login and that was accepted

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: Beth- we have a problem, I think.  we'll look into it.  You did use the email where you rec'd your confirmation, rigyht?

Gerry McKiernan: Iowa State University ; Interested in Google + | Pinterest

Beth Dailey: Ho everyone, I'm in Wausau, WI. I'm a faculty Training Specialist with EDMC

Beth Dailey: right Sally

Jose Lepervanche: Ok, I am here

suehellman: @Sally -- I always havve the same issue and have to sign in as a guest.

Gerry McKiernan: Yes

Ilene Frank: Yes, Steve!

suehellman: yes

Jose Lepervanche: yes

Mark Schlesinger: Yes

Ann G Pearlman: yes

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: So glad to see you all here at such short notice!

Herb: yes alittle low on volume

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: Good afternoon!

Arta Szathmary: I am current president of PA4C.  Community college Computer Consortium of Pennsylvania, teaching 2 online classes, retired from Bucks County Community College.. I call it rewirement, not retirement.

Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: yes

Amanda Wilson: no

Gerry McKiernan: Yes

Beth Rogers: yes

Ann G Pearlman: No

Kelly Gonzalez: yes

Mark Schlesinger: NO

Eric Werth: Yes.

Beth Dailey: yes

Emily Alschbach, Stanford GSB Library: yes

Jill Turner: no

Ilene Frank: yes

Taimi Olsen: no

suehellman: no - missed it

Glenn Everett: yes

Jake Glover: no

Zoe: no

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: No, I had abus trip..

Herb: yes

Rebecca, tltg: no

Arta Szathmary: no, but listened

Jose Lepervanche: no, I was in Miami with a newborn grandson. :-)

Michelle Emelle: watched it yesterday

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: Hi Jake!  glad to have you back!

Rebecca, tltg: congrats jose!

Laura Robinson: yes

Jose Lepervanche: My first grandson last friday!!!

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: Congrats!

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: wow!

Ann G Pearlman: congrats

Jose Lepervanche: A good excuse...

Jose Lepervanche: Thanks,

Gerry McKiernan: Yes !!!

Arta Szathmary: Congrats.

Beth Dailey: That is so cool Jose!

Beth Dailey: Yes, do share :)

David McCurry, TLT Group: emaill it. mccurry@tltgroup.org

Gerry McKiernan: WoW !!!

Arta Szathmary: We have 6 and 3/4.

Arta Szathmary: yes

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: I think we need a grandchild number poll!

Gerry McKiernan: My kind of town ...

Rebecca, tltg: expectant grandparent?
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:09) -------------------------------
Jose Lepervanche: Sorry, lost connection.
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:14) -------------------------------
Ilene Frank: Yep!  I'm in a tizzy about what we think we're doing in higher ed, so I'm not sure about what we want to keep and what we don't want to lose. ;)
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:15) -------------------------------
Mark Schlesinger: You're connected.

Herb: not disconnected

Jose Lepervanche: I am here

Mark Schlesinger: Close

Glenn Everett: First name that comes to mind is Bryan Alexander

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: how about steve gilbert?

Arta Szathmary: Committee members in congress on Educational Committees

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T 2: Upper administrators

Ann G Pearlman: Alex Pickett SUNY Learning Network

Arta Szathmary: Holly Jobe   President of ISTE

Arta Szathmary: Hal Abelson of MIT

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Jon Sener

Herb: Amber MacArthur and or Danah Boyd

Rebecca, tltg: Cable Green

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T 2: I would say - The folks at IT and Education technology  perhaps ... KC Green?

Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Someone associated with Merlot.

Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: yes

Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Ladership

Ann G Pearlman: Someone from the Media Ecology Association..I know someone has done a facebook study

Arta Szathmary: Jane Hart

Glenn Everett: Julie Evans of Project Tomorrow
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:20) -------------------------------
Beth Dailey: Judy Brown,  Mobile Learning Strategic Analyst, http://www.judybrown.com/

Maida Tilchen: I cannot use Evernote on my iPad2 - all I can find is a really clunky way to save a note. Does anyone know how to do this?

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Sally & I are using it often on our iPad 2s Maida

Jose Lepervanche: Mine is working fine in iPad2

Cynthia Russell: I've shared EN folders with others - haven't done the "public" share - but person to others works well

Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: And it's FREE.

Maida Tilchen: Can someone give me a link to a good instruction on using it on iPad2? Because my Evernote app doesn't provide an easy way to save something to Evernote

Taimi Olsen: I like "good notes" better.  I don't have my ipad 2 with me but I think there are other apps.  Anyone have an opinion?  Not sure about the public aspect.  How is it done?

Christina Seeger: I am also a Librarian (academic -- pharmacy) and use Evernote. I will try a public folder this week, as well

Taimi Olsen: Good notes just for the "look" and the highlighting, notes ability

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Here's Buffy Hamilton's blog post about using Evernote with students http://blog.evernote.com/2011/01/05/how-my-students-started-using-evernote-education-series/

Jose Lepervanche: I have been using Google Docs for sharing and collaboration for years.

Beth Dailey: I love that idea

Ilene Frank: Oh yeah - there's that nice link to Buffy Hamilton's explanation of how she uses Evernote to share info.

GeorgeBrett: However, if you do have a topic that will have a lot of related info, a topic / label does help. Tags are useful too.

GeorgeBrett: One problem I had with Evernote  (Hi Steve) was exporting to other applications

Christina Seeger: My colleagues won't use GoogleDocs because of the mix between personal and professional

Arta Szathmary: We are using google sites for eportfolio review in one of my classes.

GeorgeBrett: Thanks, good to be here

Ilene Frank: George , I agree - I wish there were a simply way to export a lot of stuff from Evernote.
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:28) -------------------------------
GeorgeBrett: With respect to using Blogs in classroom I'd recommend the Unv of Mary Washigton in Frederickburg, VA doing WordPress MultiUser

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: @ Christina - despite the fact that you can limit access to a doc?

Jose Lepervanche: See my Information Overload cartoon http://josetoons.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/2008_11_overload.jpg

Ilene Frank: Gerry, what about your "not Just Facebook" presentation from a while back? Think that would be helpful for this group?

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: Great Jose!

Beth Dailey: Jose, I love your overload cartoon.

GeorgeBrett: UMW assigns a new student their own "Blog" then using RSS they share posts as papers with Classmates in a course

GeorgeBrett: I see purple crosshatch too

Arta Szathmary: Jose,  I love

Jose Lepervanche: haha, here is my Surviving Information Overload one. http://josetoons.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/2011_04_infooverload2.jpg

GeorgeBrett: Ditto on liking Jose's cartoon

Cynthia Russell: Did a quick note to share on Evernote - I chose the copy URL approach - you can also do it in other ways - but here's the URL to the EN that I shared: http://www.evernote.com/shard/s3/sh/694d77a2-0897-40f0-8d86-048966370ebe/c05dc2616afad03d8495f1dd2f3d3cdf

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: anyone still NOT seeing the Aplia screenshot from Chuck?

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Chuck is talking about grad level statistics courses - which he has taught many times both F2f and fully online

Beth Dailey: Yikes Jose, the last cartoon depicts survival?

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: Last week's session was really good, fun, useful!  see transcript & archive via http://tlt-swg.blogspot.com/2012/03/keeping-up-social-networking-and-higher.html

Jose Lepervanche: Too many options for our students. I try to keep them inside the LMS Blackboard

Beth Dailey: Hi Cynthia, the link didn;t work for me

Arta Szathmary: Kendall Martin gave a wonderful presentation on e-textbooks and standardization.

Jose Lepervanche: The issue is to inegrate them to our current learning platforms

Jose Lepervanche: integrate

Arta Szathmary: We, as faculty, need to make decisions on what we want

Cynthia Russell: Hmmmm ... it takes it 3 seconds or so to load - might want to try again. But, in case you want to read more about the process without accessing the page I'm trying to share, you can look at http://blog.evernote.com/2011/12/20/evernote-for-ios-update-shared-notebooks-offline-notebook-improvements-and-more/

Gerry McKiernan: Yes > See my _DT > Digital Textbooks_ blog  http://digital-textbooks.blogspot.com/

Laura Robinson: Cynthia--it worked for me with no problem.

GeorgeBrett: AtHas anyone here ever used Atlassian's Confluence?  $4K for the entire University allows you to set up your own instance -- create books, etc.  Has a bunch of plugins to create diff apps. It's a hybrid of sorts.

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: what's the social networking component?

Jose Lepervanche: I have used Connect, PageOut and others and all depend on the publisher ou are using

Beth Dailey: Thanks Cynthia, I got in

Arta Szathmary: discussions, sharing etc are in there

Jose Lepervanche: I am currently using Glo-Bus simulation by McGrawHiil and we want to change book. This means we have to use another simulation.

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: Our school cooperates with Wylie e book publishers.

Arta Szathmary: It really all needs to be connected for the student

GeorgeBrett: Confluence has a comment form that is hierarchical that allows it to act as a responsive environment (social media). Also, if permitted the pages can be "edited" by participants.

Arta Szathmary: The publishers can provide the learning modules

Jose Lepervanche: I have tested several social media sites trying to add content. for example, books and assignments in Facebook groups. It did not work for me.
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:39) -------------------------------
Vanessa Wright: Does anyone know of any articles or studies that show that social media can be used to enhance learning?

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: From Callahan-Ross, Mari mcallahan-ross@dom.edu
I was fortunate to have some students in my office when this request came in.Their responses were;Twitter and Facebook.The reasons varied from;1.Because everyone is on them.2.The faculty would have access to the same technological social outlets as their students which could lead to a better understanding of their students.3.They would be able to communicate through these sites with their students.4.It’s fun.In my opinion I would have them look into both of these sites, along with Linkden.

GeorgeBrett: Twitter is a good "back channel" tool which drives some teachers nuts, but help shy students work together sometimes with hash tags.

Arta Szathmary: Jane Hart     www.c4lpt.co.uk

Jose Lepervanche: Last year I presented in NISOD about information overload of social media, etc.

suehellman: I'd recommend Diigo as a way for students to collaborate to dhare the resources they find as they do research. It's very easy to set up a class files and there are apps for all sorts of devices.

Beth Dailey: A colleague shared this with me, Social media Explained, http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/social-media-explained-with-donuts

Arta Szathmary: diigo

Jose Lepervanche: We moved from assignments in FB to just a page to post current topics. https://www.facebook.com/nextmanager

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: The app I think faculty should try is Diigo.  I use Diigo as a place to bookmark supplemental readings for students in my asynchronous courses.  They can also bookmark and share any articles that they find pertinent to the topic in the Diigo group.What I do is set up a Diigo group for each class I teach.  I invite students during week 1 to join the Diigo group for "coffee shop" or "watercooler" types of discussions.  For example, if I come across an article today in week 10 of class that pertains to week 3's materials, I can't go back and require students to read it.  I post it in Diigo to share and ask students to comment if they wish.  Sometimes we have a lively discussion, other times not so much.I also find Diigo a lifesaver for me professionally and personally.  It is much easier to bookmark websites and articles that I want to keep than with any other system I've used.Just my thoughts!!! Cheers,KathyKathy D. Munoz, EdD, RD

GeorgeBrett: As for curating content  Scoop.it and Paper.li are good tools to share

suehellman: Diigo -- to clarify -- it's a social bookmarking service

Beth Dailey: Hi George, I have used ScoopIt and really like it

Herb: Of course, the first question is, "what do you wish to acomplish with Social networking?"

Arta Szathmary: join.me   for a quick meetup

Jose Lepervanche: Then, I added Twitter widget to a discussion board and it is cool to share tweets inside a forum.

suehellman: problem with Scoop.it is that unless you pay, only one person can add resources

Taimi Olsen: I'm trying Diigo this semester, but some students are having trouble with the technology--to make notes in Diigo.  Any suggestions?

Jose Lepervanche: Delicious is my favorite

Taimi Olsen: I use Delicious.  It's easier.

Amanda Wilson: I use Tumblr to organize links and resources to tag because anyone who follows can easily grab those and make their own list.

Jose Lepervanche: Here is my page https://delicious.com/jlepervanche

GeorgeBrett: What about Netvibes?  as an Aggregation point?

Christina Seeger: Sally: They aren't savvy enough to separate their gmail account and keep work things from seeping into personal. I keep trying  . . .

Jose Lepervanche: You can see most of them in my Widgets and Gadgets presentation www.webmedialab.org

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: WOW! thank you for these great tips... !

GeorgeBrett: but it still works, Steve

Amanda Wilson: Just starting out, Diigo is probably easiest. I use it with my undergrads.

Beth Dailey: I thought delicious was defunct

suehellman: yes -- can annotate, highlight

GeorgeBrett: Howard Rheingold used DIIGO in a series of webinars last year

Christina Seeger: Diigo has a lot of great featues for annotation and such -- great for my professional students, too

Jose Lepervanche: Cool, I will test Diigo. I am know testing Scoop it

Maida Tilchen: I love an iPad app called Zite.  You tell it your interests and it feeds great web items like a clipping service. Then you can email, FB, tweet etc to send it on. I can see using it for a course topic.

Amanda Wilson: Delicious was going under but was bought and now still exists

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: @ Christina  this is important for us to know.

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: I have not use much of anything above... YET!

Beth Dailey: Thanks Amanda

GeorgeBrett: Delicious was bought out and may disappear soon

Jose Lepervanche: Well, I still see my delicious page, haha

Janet Jordan, University of Connecticut: I used to use Delicious alot but switched to Diigo when the announcement was made that Delicious was going away.

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: I can't see my delicious page anymore

Classroom 2.0 Live session on how to use Diigo in education

GeorgeBrett: BLOG = NEWSLETTER  --- just like the old days

Arta Szathmary: If you already ask student to write a journal,  blog is great

Jose Lepervanche: Blogs? yes? I tried blogs and yes it helps if you keep it updated. www.learningedge.org

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: @George - but they can be created collaboratively!

Taimi Olsen: love the donuts!

Jose Lepervanche: It is a lot of writing and many talk about the same topic. You really have to be unique for your students.

Amanda Wilson: I'm a big fan of tumblr because there's so much functionality-you get the tagging, the ability to follow others, and it accepts links, text, images, audio, video, etc.

GeorgeBrett: Google+ circle might be interesting use -- allows for growth and could be managed if that's important

suehellman: Posterous is a really easy and free for blogging. You can post by sending emails.

Jose Lepervanche: Wordpress

Ann G Pearlman: Most say Angel and Blackboard Blogs are not that good.

suehellman: Wikis are also great for collaborating -- Wikispaces is free for educators at all levels now.

Herb: Tumblr is as aeasy as those two

Arta Szathmary: Blogger is there

GeorgeBrett: MUWordpress - multiUser WordPress

Ann G Pearlman: Blogger or PBworks

Janet Jordan, University of Connecticut: The problem with Blogs is the hosting. Free accounts can have limitations, advertizing, disappear, etc.

Jose Lepervanche: Wordpress is easy to use for blogs

<an example for links/resources

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: what are the categories?  blog, bookmarking ....

Jose Lepervanche: Google sites too

Julie Zhu: Canvas LMS is very good

Herb: Formspring is a quick way to start a dialog.

Jose Lepervanche: hehe, we now have Chat Overload. :-)

Arta Szathmary: Disadvantage of inside lms is that is gone after class ends

Ann G Pearlman: I look for ones that provide good "how to's"

Eric Werth 2: They may not be the best out there, but I still like the ones in a university LMS because students are use to the sites and everthing can be kept in one place.

GeorgeBrett: Unv of Mary Washington will take a graduating students blog and zip it and then lets student move it to a hosting site -- zap -- a personal e-portfolio

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: nice

Jose Lepervanche: See all my online overloaded resources in www.teleducator.net. I did it to organize myself. this is my index / map website.

Amanda Wilson: yes

Christina Seeger: Depending -- a wiki might still work for many projects

suehellman: I'd add creating a wiki for collaborative projects

GeorgeBrett: Thanks again Jose

Maida Tilchen: The current issue of Wired has a terrific story about Reddit.  I'm not sure how it would be used for courses, but it's a fascinating article. It will be online for free next month on the Wired site.

Joy Mark: @Arta - the institution may want to consider changing its archive & access policy

Arta Szathmary: Out of my control -- I am a part-time teacher

GeorgeBrett: My collection of OPEN Research and Education tools in Scoop.it:  http://www.scoop.it/t/open-research-learning/


Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: 75 SECONDS TO GO

GeorgeBrett: can I talk briefly?

suehellman: Suggestions for using Posterous in education -- http://howdoi.posterous.com/how-do-i-use-posterous-for-education

GeorgeBrett: or is this quiet for all

Taimi Olsen: Amanda, thanks for the list.  My son (who has learning challenges) loves online flashcards. 

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: SHARING of any kind ok!

Maida Tilchen: The current Wired also has a great article about Stanford open courses, including how the 160,000! students around the world built their own social media to interact, which wasn't part of what Stanford  offered.

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: sHARING outward best

Taimi Olsen: Flashcard machine has a phone app too.  He can study anywhere and keep organized.

GeorgeBrett: How do I talk?

Jose Lepervanche: Socially online you can follow @DrLepervanche in Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. I post about emerging technologies, leadership, management, and current events related to our management courses.

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: 15 Seconds left

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: I love using thechnology, but lately I feel that there are too many programs/media/ tools that simply dress up differently while using the same functions. What happened with "if it isn't broken, do not fix it"?

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: George- steve can call on you

Jose Lepervanche: I use MIT Technology Acceptance model to select applications I want to keep.

Maida Tilchen: I'd like to hear from anyone using a FB page as their course site

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: Today is fine...

GeorgeBrett: Oh well -- after 30+ years of Academic Computing Support -- I'd say there is a lot of circular activity in the apps. Perhaps guidelines would be best --

Jose Lepervanche: My younger son toll me once: "You adult are messing with MY Facebook". He may be right.
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:54) -------------------------------
Jose Lepervanche: Ithink that LinkedIn provides a professional space to post work and business relationships

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: @ Irina- I'm with you!

GeorgeBrett: RATS -- thanks

Arta Szathmary: Did you know that there is a "google certification" for educators?  Aimed at k-12, but I think we at higher ed should also be included

Jose Lepervanche: Cool Curated by Sue Hellman . I am following you.

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: not seeing the right slide
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 14:56) -------------------------------
suehellman: @Jose -- thanks If you send suggestions I'll be sure to add to the collection.

Arta Szathmary: sue,  I am following you too

GeorgeBrett: I see Caveats and Guidlines too

suehellman: @Arta -- welcome and pls. send suggestions to make the list more "higher ed" pertinent

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: Thank you, Sally! I personally like LinkedIn - it is more "serious" than Facebook.. to me atleast..

Joy Mark: @Irina I think that we'll see more "look alike" apps as more tools become available for "non-coders" to create their own app

Beth Dailey: I love your ScoopIt page Sue, I set one up but have not been  adding to it regularly

Jose Lepervanche: Yes sue, i sent to my wife who is doing a master in online education and researching in mobile education. Thanks.

suehellman: Re: Scoop.it -- be sure to tag as you add resources to make it easy for others to peruse the collection. I've seen some that are 30+ pages with no tags!!! Too difficult to find anything. Tagging is easy.

Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: ok

Arta Szathmary: should students become transliterate?

Ann G Pearlman: Have to go thank you

GeorgeBrett: Joy have you seen "Yahoo Pipes" ?  it is nifty erector set to filter information

Arta Szathmary: anybody teaching app inventor

suehellman: I have another for higher ed -- http://www.scoop.it/t/educational-mixology

GeorgeBrett: Curation of information and info resources is growing in importance

Michelle Emelle: have to go, Thanks

Irina Ivliyeva, Missouti S&T: Thank you, Steve and Sally and TLT group! Have a great time in Chicago next week!  Have to go  now...

Joy Mark: @George I heard about it when Pipes opened up, but like too many other things I'd like to explore, I never had the time. Do you have an example?

Beth Dailey: Here is another Scoopit site related to mobile learning http://www.scoop.it/t/mobile-learning

GeorgeBrett: bummer, I thought I had audio fixed.

Jose Lepervanche: I also use PAper.li that integrate tweets in a newsletter. www.drjose.org
 ------------------------------- (03/30/2012 15:03) -------------------------------
Jose Lepervanche: I found that Google Scholar is easy for students finding references

suehellman: @Beth -- I'll link to that ffrom mine as well.

Jose Lepervanche: What about archive.org for sharing. I have not used yet??

Joy Mark: A general comment: one thing I struggle with in my own life (& institutionally) is ~aspirational~ technology. I intend to use all these great tools in new, exciting, & innovative ways, only to fall back into old habits & patterns and not getting much benefit  from new tools. Does anybody else encounter this, and how do you respond?

suehellman: My guideline -- even with a simple tool -- use it yourself for personal or professional purpuses first and then involve students. It's easier to get them excited about a tool you really like and in which you see potential. They'll then expand the uses in directions you may not have anticipated.

GeorgeBrett: old habits and patterns are not bad -- we need bridges to move us from different tools into the newer ones

GeorgeBrett: so how to move from mimeo page to photo copy to e-copy?

Jose Lepervanche: I agree with Sue. Test first. I normally test new technologies in my Information Systems class as all of this is part of the course topics.. I called my Web Media Lab.

Beth Dailey: I like your point about providing a bridge to something new

Arta Szathmary: One of the things I like about www.c4lpt.co.uk is that there is a rating of tools.  I don't have time to try them all, so I can pick the the "pick of the litter" based on other's reviews

suehellman: @Joy -- I'd involve the students in coming up with new ideas and uses.

GeorgeBrett: so, an inventory of activities might be worth while... so at least there are objective goals pursued

GeorgeBrett: Thhinking of Kevin Kellies 91 book New Rules for New Economy and ClueTrain Manifesto are still relevant

suehellman: @Arta -- Jane is great -- can also subscribe to her pick of the day and have a new idea come to your inbox each day.

GeorgeBrett: can I try again

Joy Mark: On a related note: Most good tools aren't just new ways to do old things, but offer the opportunity for "disruption". Disruption is time consuming : )

GeorgeBrett: I need a mic icon plz

Beth Dailey: George, in the inventory idea, might we share an activity and describe the bridge

Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: kGeorge is a MUCH more capable techie than I've ever been!

suehellman: @Joy -- agreed -- once you are comfortable with using a tool to do old tasks, time can be given to conserind new afforcances -- ways using the tool can dhange what you do or open new possibilitieis.

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