Friday, May 31, 2013

If you want to plan today 2pmET re Teaching Online for Smart Dummies, BUT CAN’T, visit & read this

[today's login: bottom of free reg]

Teaching Online for Beginners
for Very Smart Dummies
A Curriculum for Online “Course,” MOOCow, Coaching/Mentoring
MOOCow= Massive Open Online Course Or Whatever

Here's what we'll try to do today May 31, 2013 [links to key docs below]:
  • Discuss, Clarify, Confirm
    • Process:  Fishbowl, collaborative public planning today
    • Principles:  "Open";  2 paths (Guided & DIY);  minimal logins, registrations
    • Structure:  MOOCow and/or Coaching [Mentoring, Consulting] - alpha, beta, ... July, Sept 2013?
    • Content:  Curriculum, resources, ...
  • Decide

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Developing a MOOCow? Who owns what/when? See: Coursera’s Terms of Service. Discuss 5/31 2pmET re: Teaching Online FridayLive!

Here are some questions prompted by 3 sections of Coursera's Terms of Service  [as of May 30, 2013] Any organization hosting/supporting online courses, MOOCs, "or whatever" must deal with similar issues - some of which raise genuinely new challenges! THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT! 

    Not allowed to attempt  to get a Coursera course recognized by college or university?
    Everything on the site owned by Coursera - even in a course developed by faculty member unaffiliated with Coursera?  What if faculty member developed and taught similar course first for some college/university?  What if faculty member who developed and taught a Coursera course wants to offer a similar course later at a college or university?
  • When using online materials as part of taking a Coursera course, cannot share them with colleagues?  
    Photo of cage-like holding cell
    Anything you submit (upload, post) as a student in a Coursera course can subsequently be used by Coursera in any way at all.

Some excerpts from Coursera's Terms of Service  [as of May 30, 2013]:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Prep for free online "fish bowl" 5/31 2pmET re: Teaching Online for Beginners & Smart Dummies. Help plan TLTGroup FridayLive!

Excerpts (below) and full article & Bain's book (links below) good prep for our planning session this Friday, 2pmET May 31.   Free Registration.
Leaders:  Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and still confirming other Silver Cloudian stalwarts!

"Whereas best practices are clearly necessary for good teaching, we do not think that they are sufficient for excellent teaching. If becoming an outstanding teacher merely entails implementing recommended best practices, then there would be many more outstanding teachers than there currently are. Clearly, there are good and bad (or more and less effective) ways to implement these practices. There seem to be things that cannot simply be borrowed, copied, or plugged into courses. 

"(1) Fostering student engagement

  • Create a community of learners
  • Foster student-to-faculty and student-to-student interaction
  • Judicious and strategic use of humor
  • Creative and engaging use of videos, chats, podcasts, wikis, and discussion forums
  • Use blogs to facilitate reflective thinking, collaborative learning, and knowledge construction
"(2) Stimulating intellectual development
  • Create natural critical learning environments
  • Generate provocative acts, questions, statements
  • Reflect on students’ inaccurate and incomplete preconceptions or mental models 
  • Use technology to create engaging and authentic content
"(3) Building rapport with students
  • Understand one’s student population and determine the amount of help needed 
  • Let students get to know their teacher
  • Use introductory video or other self-disclosure resources
  • Keep written records of communication that include relevant student information 
  • Be flexible with deadlines and due dates
  • Provide individualized feedback on assignments and activities"
Above excerpted from "What the Best Online Teachers Should Do," by T. M. Brinthaupt, L. S. Fisher, J. G. Gardner, D. M. Raffo, and J. B. Woodard, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 USA, , as published in  MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Vol. 7, No.4, December 2011 
See below for abstract.
 Article based on What the Best College Teachers Do, Ken Bain, Harvard University Press; April 30, 2004 

Abstract & 3 additional summary excerpts below

Teaching Online for Beginners & Smart Dummies. Help plan. FridayLive! 5/31 2pmET free online "fish bowl"

Teaching Online for Beginners: Designing a MOOCow for Very Smart Dummies. 
Help from/for? Silver Cloudians
"Fish bowl" planning session in TLT Group's FridayLive! 5/31 2pm ET Free Registration
Leaders:  Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and still confirming other Silver Cloudian stalwarts!

Careers end;  Service doesn't;  Connect
TLT Group Silver Cloudians and friends and colleagues will continue planning how best to support faculty who are just beginning to move deeper into online teaching. The goal is to have something [MOOCow, coaching, mentoring, ...] ready to offer by September and to find at least one institution interested in receiving this kind of support/resource.

For a better idea of what we're developing, see planning documents:

Why voice in MOOCows? “ narrators can make a good book take wing..” begin free now June7 next synch session

See excerpt below re why we include voice in our MOOCow [MOOC Or Whatever]. Not too late to register (free) for "Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCow" Based on book: The Seven Futures of American Education: Improving Learning & Teaching in a Screen-Captured World by John Sener
Next free online synch session June 7, 2013 2pm ET

"If you spend a lot of time with audiobooks, you start paying close attention to the people who read them, and probably develop a stable of favorites. Listeners know that the best narrators can make a good book take wing
cropped photo of sculpture of book w wings
 and a merely decent book grow more engaging.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

TGIF: 7FsMOOCow: DIY or Guided Sequence, You Decide

Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

Twenty-first issue, Volume Six

TLT Group TGIF 5.28.2013           
From Group World Headquarters

Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW It’s not too late to jump in.

Step one: Register Here
Step two: Start Here

This link will take you to a video introduction of the MOOC

Consider an institutional membership in TLT.
Institutional Subscription entitles everyone at your institution to TLT group activities, services, and resource materials.  And individual membership is free to all within your institution. You will find more information on our website. Sally Gilbert, Director of Administration, can answer any questions you may have
    “7 Futures Amer. Educ...Screen-Captured World” MOOCow Slides/links/chat transcript from May 17 #tltg7FsMOOCow TLT Group FridayLive!

    7 Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCow

    Putting Experience First - Join FridayLive May 24th

    Review/summary Sener’s 7 Futures Amer. Education: Improving.. Screen-Captured World. For MOOCow

    Silver Cloudians are busy designing learning opportunities for faculty transitioning to online teaching. The planning will continue on Friday and into July with a September launch in mind.

    Send your ideas for the Designated Learner Social Media Application Series to Beth Dailey (  The fall schedule is being developed.

    Teaching Online for Beginners: Designing a MOOCow for Very Smart Dummies. Help from/for? Silver Cloudians: "fish bowl" planning session.
    May 31, 2013 2:00pm Eastern Time
    Leaders:  Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, Margaret Driscoll,Dale Parker, Charles Ansorge, Micheal Dabney and others
    Free to all.

    TLT Sliver Cloudians will continue planning how best to support faculty transitioning to online teaching. The goal is to have something ready to offer by September.

    Take a look at the following planning documents.

    We will also look at the model being used for the Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW

    Up-coming  FridayLive! schedule: June 7 Seven Futures 2nd session “The Seven Futures Approach to IEQ: A Dialogue”
    June 14 Seven Futures 3rd session, “Modeling the IEQ Planning Process”  
    June 21 Seven Futures 4th session, “Sharing Your Plans, Reflecting on Your Experience”
    June 28 Review, Respond and Shape
    MOOCs Round Three

    Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW
    May 17 - June 21, 2013
    Communicate with fellow schMOOC/MOOCOW’s here

    You can still join the
    Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW
    The series will began wih a live session on May 17th.  The recording of this session is available on the Central Course Communication page
    It will  conclude on June 21, 2013 and consist of four live synchronous sessions and four modules.

    This link will take you to a video introduction to the MOOC

    The schMOOC/MOOCOW* (Massive Open Online Course Or Whatever) will explore John Sener's book "The Seven Futures of American Education: Improving Learning & Teaching in a Screen-Captured World."

    The series will include these participation options ("paths"):

    • guided sequence to enable participants to create an action plan for implementing one or more quality improvement strategies in their course, program, or institution.
    • “do-it-yourself” (DIY)   approach which allows participants to learn what they wish by defining their own objectives and using available resources (both inside and outside the course) to attain them as desired.

    Course Schedule:

    Time Frame
    Friday, May 17, 2 - 3pm ET:
    Live Session: Getting Started: Getting to Know You, Us, the Seven Futures. Watch a recording of the session.
    May 17 - June 7:
    Module 1: Identifying Your Challenge
    Module 2: Defining Quality Improvement: the Seven Futures Framework & You
    Friday, June 7, 2 - 3pm ET:
    Live Session: The Seven Futures Approach to IEQ: A Dialogue
    June 7 - 14:
    Module 3: Selecting Your IEQ Strategy

    Friday, June 14, 2 - 3pm ET:
    Live Session: Modeling the IEQ Planning Process  
    June 14 - 21:  
    Module 4: Preparing Your IEQ Action Plan
    Friday, June 21, 2 - 3pm ET
    Live Session: Sharing Your Plans, Reflecting on Your Experience

    The series will also model several of the key strategies described in Seven Futures, including:
    • learner-generated content (create an action plan and other content that you can use),
    • event-anchored learning (participate in TLT Group's FridayLive! synchronous events to S‘anchor’ course activities), and
    • impact assessment (opportunities to reflect on what you’re learning, mine insights, and assess their impact on you, your students, your colleagues...).

    NOTE:  *a “schMOOC/MOOCOW” is our version of a MOOC (Massively Open Online Course):
    schMOOC”  = “somewhat connectivist, hypothetically Massive Open Online Course” --
    “somewhat connectivist” because the course offers DIY and other connectivist options but also offers more structure than a typical cMOOC. “hypothetically” Massive because the course is open to all but not likely to be huge.

    Encourage. Enable. Engage.

    Tuesday, May 21, 2013

    TGIF: 7fsMOOCow Join in NOW

    Read below for TGIF with links, or you can view TGIF on the Web...Click here

    Twentieth issue, Volume Six

    TLT Group TGIF 5.21.2013           
    From Group World Headquarters

    Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW started on Friday! It’s not too late to jump in.

    Step one: Register Here
    Step two: Start Here

    This link will take you to a video introduction to the MOOC

    Consider an institutional membership in TLT.
    Institutional Subscription entitles everyone at your institution to TLT group activities, services, and resource materials.  And individual membership is free to all within your institution. You will find more information on our website. Sally Gilbert, Director of Administration, can answer any questions you may have

      “7 Futures Amer. Educ...Screen-Captured World” MOOCow Slides/links/chat transcript from May 17 #tltg7FsMOOCow TLT Group FridayLive!

      7 Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCow

      Putting Experience First - Join FridayLive May 24th

      Review/summary Sener’s 7 Futures Amer. Education: Improving.. Screen-Captured World. For MOOCow

      Members Only Exchange

      Changing Roles in Online Teaching and Learning
      (This session is free to TLT Group Members Fee to others)
      May 22, 2013 2:00pm Eastern Time
      Leaders: Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others Register Here

      This session is free to TLT Group Individual Members.  ($75 to others)

      We have done a session on roles such as VOC.  In this session the plan is to talk of other roles such as that of a scribe, maybe even the designated learner.  There could be a designated questioner, naysayer, optimist, etc.  What else have people used or what else could be done.

      This is especially relevant to our MOOC creation and to our Silver Cloudians who we hope will take some of these roles as we proceed.

      May 24th advanced organizer.

      Trey Mireles returns to FridayLive on May 24th, Putting EAT (Experience, Apply, Teach) to the Test
      Three ways to participate:
      1. SHARE your experience implementing EAT.
      2. STUMP THE EXPERT: bring an instructional challenge for trey to design using EAT
      3. SHARE  an Animoto video you have created.
        It will be fun to share, learn from each other and hear more from Trey.

      Putting EAT (Experience, Apply, Teach) to the Test

      May 24, 2013  2:00-3:00 pm ET - free to all.  
      Presenter;Trey Mireles Madison College

      The Experience-Apply-Teach instructional strategy focuses on using technology to introduce course concepts more vividly.  Testimonials from teachers who have used this strategy will be shared. You are invited to "stump the expert." Bring Trey an instructional challenge that you would like to solve.
      This link will take you to one person’s experience implementing EAT.

      In addition, people are invited to share Animoto presentations they have created. Contact Beth Dailey,
      Up-coming  FridayLive! schedule:
      May 24 Putting EAT (Experience, Apply, Teach) to the Test. Trey Mireles, Psychology instructor, Madison College
      June 7 Seven Futures 2nd session “The Seven Futures Approach to IEQ: A Dialogue”
      June 14 Seven Futures 3rd session, “Modeling the IEQ Planning Process”  
      June 21 Seven Futures 4th session, “Sharing Your Plans, Reflecting on Your Experience”

      June 28 Review, Respond and Shape
      MOOCs Round Three

      Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW
      May 17 - June 21, 2013
      Communicate with fellow schMOOC/MOOCOW’s here

      You can still join the
      Seven Futures of American Education schMOOC/MOOCOW
      The series will began wih a live session on May 17th.  The recording of this session is available on the Central Course Communication page
      It will  conclude on June 21, 2013 and consist of four live synchronous sessions and four modules.

      This link will take you to a video introduction to the MOOC

      The schMOOC/MOOCOW* (Massive Open Online Course Or Whatever) will explore John Sener's book "The Seven Futures of American Education: Improving Learning & Teaching in a Screen-Captured World."

      The series will include these participation options ("paths"):
      • guided sequence to enable participants to create an action plan for implementing one or more quality improvement strategies in their course, program, or institution.
      • “do-it-yourself” (DIY)   approach which allows participants to learn what they wish by defining their own objectives and using available resources (both inside and outside the course) to attain them as desired.

      Course Schedule:

      Time Frame
      Friday, May 17, 2 - 3pm ET:
      Live Session: Getting Started: Getting to Know You, Us, the Seven Futures
      May 17 - June 7:
      Module 1: Identifying Your Challenge
      Module 2: Defining Quality Improvement: the Seven Futures Framework & You
      Friday, June 7, 2 - 3pm ET:
      Live Session: The Seven Futures Approach to IEQ: A Dialogue
      June 7 - 14:
      Module 3: Selecting Your IEQ Strategy

      Friday, June 14, 2 - 3pm ET:
      Live Session: Modeling the IEQ Planning Process  
      June 14 - 21:  
      Module 4: Preparing Your IEQ Action Plan
      Friday, June 21, 2 - 3pm ET
      Live Session: Sharing Your Plans, Reflecting on Your Experience
      The series will also model several of the key strategies described in Seven Futures, including:
      • learner-generated content (create an action plan and other content that you can use),
      • event-anchored learning (participate in TLT Group's FridayLive! synchronous events to S‘anchor’ course activities), and
      • impact assessment (opportunities to reflect on what you’re learning, mine insights, and assess their impact on you, your students, your colleagues...).

      NOTE:  *a “schMOOC/MOOCOW” is our version of a MOOC (Massively Open Online Course):
      schMOOC”  = “somewhat connectivist, hypothetically Massive Open Online Course” --
      “somewhat connectivist” because the course offers DIY and other connectivist options but also offers more structure than a typical cMOOC. “hypothetically” Massive because the course is open to all but not likely to be huge.

      Encourage. Enable. Engage.