How to teach the way you want to teach...
Ranging from under-prepared students to honors students
Lucy MacDonald, Florida State College Jacksonville
Saundra McGuire, Louisiana State University
John Zubizarreta, Columbia College
February 14
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See below for description, resources, and links
Metacognition, learning preferences, student preparedness, reflection, deep learning: you’ve heard all the buzz. What do such concepts have in common and how can we, as educators, learn more about them to improve our practice and enhance our students’ learning?
Three nationally-recognized presenters skilled in developing strategies based on metacognition and reflective practice for improving the success of students and teachers in courses will present a highly interactive three session online workshop. Participants will learn how to use these principles and strategies for effective teaching and learning - to teach the way we want to teach.
Join us in a three-part conversation that begins with Saundra McGuire’s definition and interactive demonstrations of metacognition, why it’s important to take advantage of its influence on student learning, and how it makes significant differences in our ability to teach today’s students, given their particular characteristics. Saundra, a large university faculty member and administrator, frames the series.
Lucy Tribble MacDonald, an expert on the challenges of teaching at-risk students in a community college setting, follows with specific strategies for infusing metacognitive pedagogies in our classrooms, where students often have to be taught the value of metacognition and trained in its use for deeper learning.
The series ends with John Zubizarreta’s facilitation of an interactive discussion of the role of reflection in significant learning and an opportunity to share examples of teaching practices that promote and support reflective practice in students’ intellectual development. John’s small college perspective rounds out the diversity of institutional experiences of the session leaders, offering participants the important lesson that “meta is betta” no matter what kind of school we teach in, what level of students we teach, or what majors or career goals they have: metacognition or reflective learning is an essential dimension of deeper, more lasting, transformative learning.
Lucy MacDonald, Florida State College Jacksonville (27 years at Chemeketa Community College in Salem, Or.)
Saundra McGuire, Louisiana State University
John Zubizarreta, Columbia College
Resources & Links
- Recording of Session 1
- Recording of Session 2
- Recording of Session 3
- Transcripts of Text Chat for sessions: Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28
- Lucy MacDonald:
- "Helping Students Learn to Study Why Meta is Betta" Interview TLTG FrLv! March, 2011
- John Zubizarreta:
- Open Resources - Brain Matters Chapters; L. Todd Rose, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- "Reflection for Learning" - includes brief bibliography, etc.including Jennifer Moon publication:
- AAC&U LEAP Project
- AAC&U Presentation re Reflective Learning - Slides
- “Characteristics of Reflective, Liberal Learners”
- Also see works of Robert G. Bringle and Julie A. Hatcher
- Bulimic Learning: A Philosophical View of Teaching and Learning
- August 30, 2006 "ON EDUCATION: Upon Further Reflection, a Few Random Thoughts" By SAMUEL G. FREEDMAN, New York Times,
TLTG FrLv! June 30, 2011
- Saundra McGuire
- “Preview-Class-Review (PCR) Study Cycle” can help guide students to learn better. See:
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