Recommendations, Insights, Challenges, Questions
Text Chat Transcript - including links - Below
What we learned from a hybrid FridayLive! and how it will help online teaching and learning: focus on identifying what worked with our hybrid workshop, what didn't work, and why.
On Feb 10, Steve and TLT Group staff led a FridayLive! discussion with two distinct audiences connected to each other in an Adobe classroom - one group was with Steve at the Lilly Conference on College Teaching, the other group was a collection of individuals from across the U.S. logged in individually to the Adobe classroom.
Recognizing that many faculty are facing a transition of their courses to some form of hybrid instruction, the TLT Group is always seeking opportunities to "walk the walk" in order to understand the challenges and appropriately make recommendations.
PLUS: Update on Ender's Test
Our discussions in these past weeks about Ender's Game have been both fascinating and deeply satisfying. A portion of Friday's session will be spent delving deeper into the ideas of artificial instruction. We're moving toward a Lilly test of Caring and a WGU test of who what education is good for.
Leader: Steve Gilbert, TLT Group
Text Chat Transcript
David McCurry, TLT Group: (2/17/2012 13:19) Welcome back to our regularly scheduled Friday Live!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:32) tnx, working on PPT!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:33) any chance you could pick up some of sally's Sunny Gets blue and play during this?
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:33) Yep... let me see if I can download.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:36) ron worthy
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:37) fabulous David!~!!!!
Jordan Sand: (13:38) hello Steve and David--just checking in here, I'm hearing Sally and a lot of intermittent noise that sounds like a jackhammer
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:38) Fabulous Sally!
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:38) Jordan.. we are doing the music, not sure about the Jackhammer...
Jordan Sand: (13:39) hmm, no sound now
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:39) Music ended.
Jordan Sand: (13:40) is there a way to test sound?
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:40) Should be hearing music now.
Jordan Sand: (13:41) ok, yes, some ambient or adult contemporary, you might say
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:41) Whatever... from
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:41) CC use agreement.
Jordan Sand: (13:55) option 4 is tempting
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:57) I will leave this poll up for a couple of minutes. Looks like we will do a short orientation.
Jordan Sand: (13:58) loud and clear
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (13:58) good
Sonya Kirkwood: (13:58) yes
James Backer: (13:58) yes
Carol Bradley: (14:01) Hello to all!
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:03) The Home Base (Google Doc) Web Page for Today's session is:
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:04) Correction: The Home Base (Google Doc) Web Page for Today's session is:
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:05) Turn STEVE's Mic off
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:05) Thanks Stefve
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:05) (to get rid of the background echo) - Thanks!
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:05) oops,, Steve
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:05) Go Sally!!!!
Jordan Sand: (14:05) lovely
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (14:05) sounds great! Will the performance tonight be webcast? : )
Lucy: (14:06) Thanks, Lucy is here.
Margaret Cheatham: (14:06) Love the tune!
John Prusch: (14:07) Great intro, Sally!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:08) This is a very unusual day, hope you enjoyed Sally's recording... []
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:08) Recording now.
Carol Bradley: (14:09) Last address gives error "Bad Request"
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:10)
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:10) Try: (without square brackets)
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:10) I think the brackets were the problem
Carol Bradley: (14:11) Thank you Bonnie.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:12) Some net data hiccup. Sorry.
Carol Bradley: (14:13) Yes, Do it again. But, was there a screen in the F2F situation that allowed on site participats to see the online Chat - You just answered my question.
Lucy: (14:14) Did 2 different kinds of this event at College Reading and Learning Association
Lucy: (14:14) 1. Speaker was at a distance and I was host in hotel.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:14) The chat was there... it just wasn't large enough.
Lucy: (14:14) Other was as you did it.
Lucy: (14:15) Yes. Lucy Macdonald
Carol Bradley: (14:15) Isn't it possible to put the CHAT on a different ZOOMED - FULL SCREEN - page that would be visible to the audience?
William Vilberg: (14:15) GREAT WORKSHOP!!!!
William Vilberg: (14:16) I can change the font size in my chat window from the little menu icon in the upper right corner of the Chat window.
William Vilberg: (14:16) Text Size
William Vilberg: (14:17) Yes, you should do that.
Carol Bradley: (14:17) It workd on 16
William Vilberg: (14:17) Individuals can also change their text color.
Jordan Sand: (14:17) nope
alicemac: (14:17) no
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (14:17) no
Sonya Kirkwood: (14:17) no
William Vilberg: (14:17) That is a local only change.
Carol Bradley: (14:17) But, is there a default for the Administrators?
Lucy: (14:19) local audience response needs external mike
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:19) Sorry - Dave and I got kicked out... our internet connection must be a bit wonky... so don't count on us too much.
Carol Bradley: (14:19) Would it work if all participants set their font to a larger size?
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:19) Lucy - we had an external mic set up.
Lucy: (14:20) Great. that helps the feeling of connectivity
John Prusch: (14:20) Participants may use any font size they prefer.
William Vilberg: (14:20) @Carol: Font size is a local setting only. It only affects your display, not how it is displayed on other screens.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:20) I'm back
alicemac: (14:20) If the Chat group is ignored...they may well feel disenfranchised.
John Prusch: (14:21) The original default font size is set at 11.
Lucy: (14:21) I had to run the mike around the room!
Carol Bradley: (14:21) Yes, John, but the problem is to make the font visible to all. Which screen is being projected to the audience?
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:21) It was a wired mic...but the room was not well set up for people to come up.
William Vilberg: (14:21) You did a great job of keeping the groups together. I heard the discussions and comments in the room. I watched the chat here.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:21) Wireless mics have their own problems... as does having the speakers and the open mic.
Lucy: (14:21) That's what I had and I had it set up to a mixer.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:21) Ah Lucy - very wise of you!
Lucy: (14:22) YES
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:22) And my text is Blue, btw.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:22) shutting speakers down while mic is on?
Lucy: (14:22) YES , but one dedicated to thyis job
John Munro: (14:22) yes
Brenda Kerr, MTSU: (14:22) Yes
Margaret Cheatham: (14:22) yes
Lucy: (14:22) YES
Barbara: (14:22) Yes
alicemac: (14:22) yes
nikki: (14:22) yes
Pamela Wimbush: (14:22) no
Eric Werth: (14:22) Yes
John Prusch: (14:22) yes
David McPhail: (14:22) Yes
Jordan Sand: (14:22) yes, I think, small scale
James Backer: (14:22) yes
William Vilberg: (14:22) yes
Carol Bradley: (14:23) William - Color is nice, but, if the screen is projected, black is a better contrast. I can understand the Host using color now and then, but overall it can be disconcerting, as students who write their Profile in a ugly, bright green.
Lucy: (14:23) YES
Eric Werth: (14:23) yes
Jordan Sand: (14:23) no
Barbara: (14:23) Yes
alicemac: (14:23) yes
John Munro: (14:23) yes :-(
Margaret Cheatham: (14:23) Yes
John Prusch: (14:23) Yes, the main speaker
James Backer: (14:23) no
David McPhail: (14:23) No
Sonya Kirkwood: (14:23) no
John Munro: (14:23) hard to lead and manage synchronously
Lucy: (14:23) F
Brenda Kerr, MTSU: (14:23) F
Carol Bradley: (14:23) Yes, I participated in a webinar held in CA - where, as I recall, the audience could read the text.
John Prusch: (14:23) F postively
Jordan Sand: (14:23) f
nikki: (14:23) yes
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (14:23) F
James Backer: (14:23) f
Eric Werth: (14:23) F
Pamela Wimbush: (14:23) maybe
alicemac: (14:23) f
Margaret Cheatham: (14:23) f
Laura: (14:23) f
nikki: (14:23) f
Sonya Kirkwood: (14:23) maybe
Lucy: (14:24) :-)
William Vilberg: (14:24) @Carol: But color makes it easier to pick out who is talking when things are scrolling quickly.
Lucy: (14:24) Need a team to make it happen
William Vilberg: (14:24) SOUND!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:24) I made my text brown
Lucy: (14:24) Forgot to record!!!! thought tech support did
Carol Bradley: (14:24) The Chatter's name is in BOLD.
Margaret Cheatham: (14:24) Technology snafus - Internet interruptions, bad audio, etc.
John Prusch: (14:24) Pulling in the external/remote audience on par with the physical audience
Carol Bradley: (14:25) Too many colors do not lead to easy reading - check out many very bad Internet sites.
John Munro: (14:25) still issues :-(
Lucy: (14:25) Audience focuses on snafus not content
Margaret Cheatham: (14:26) @Lucy - excactly! Snafus are distracting to the speaker, too.
Jordan Sand: (14:26) mike is on by default from each remote participant?
John Munro: (14:26) we've been using laptops on G Docs in video classroom -- multiple sites possible, better coverage
Lucy: (14:26) I was the back up speaker host in the room
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:26) @Lucy - agreed... the best is when the speaker does not focus on the snafus or it multiplies that problem.
Carol Bradley: (14:27) And, you must remember that all colors are not equal on different computer screens (systems and handling of color).
Carol Bradley: (14:27) What about people who are color blind?
William Vilberg: (14:27) @Carol: I am black now. Happy?
John Munro: (14:27) yes, hard to establish hand-off protocol (talk.... over: response....over etc)
Lucy: (14:28) GA was the AoL's protocol for Go Ahead.
Carol Bradley: (14:28) William, You are free to do what you like. I am just trying to point out problems - visual and aesthetic - linked to an excessive, or poor, use of color.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:28) I ended up doing both... as best I could last week.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:29) I typed room comments into chat.
John Munro: (14:29) we often use cell phone calls to coordinate between sites even while video/audio session underway
Lucy: (14:29) Repeat: need a team with protocols
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:29) But we had less coming from Chat back into the live room.
William Vilberg: (14:29) More participation.
Pamela Wimbush: (14:29) increase participation .....broader audience
Lucy: (14:29) Budget constraints don't allow faculty to attend conferences
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (14:29) To allow the F2F benefits to those who can be there
Laura: (14:29) combination of fitting in schedules and creating community
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:29) @ Lucy - which protocols (I always agree on the team).
alicemac: (14:29) we cross 4 campuses and need the connections to get more people involved
Jordan Sand: (14:30) collaboration between students and faculty on two campuses
Eric Werth: (14:30) Less travel but more real-time Q&A.
John Munro: (14:30) we're "told" to use video-conference configuration, even tho it gets flakey too often
Carol Bradley: (14:30) The hybrid session could lead to more participation between the two "audiences" F2F and online.
Jordan Sand: (14:30) across universities, actually
Peg: (14:30) Two different campuses
alicemac: (14:30) people also want to be in the room when they can with others so we need to do that as well
Lucy: (14:30) Protocols for handing off mike, including delays, went to go to the chat, when does chat answer questions to live folks
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:31) @Jordan - good clarification, different context.
Lucy: (14:31) We had a video camera on the room
Carol Bradley: (14:31) That's the point - what was going on in the room. If the F2F audience could have entered into the Chat session, it would have helped.
Lucy: (14:31) So offsite speaker could see the audience on site
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:32) @Lucy - were you webcasting the video? (I guess so based on last post).
John Munro: (14:32) some of us have talked about creating a multi-image screen -- insect's eye?
Carol Bradley: (14:32) I don't think it's necessary to see the F2F audience. That audience cannot see the online audience.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:32) Webcam, we could.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:32) It just takes a lot of bandwidth.
Lucy: (14:33) I had a separate video camera set up with student running this.
William Vilberg: (14:33) Would we all be willing to show them our pictures, online?
William Vilberg: (14:33) Most of us won't even use the microphone.
Sonya Kirkwood: (14:33) Even a still picture would be nice -
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:33) Permissions is important (and sometime dicey).
David McPhail: (14:33) Nonverbals aid understanding of the verbal message.
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (14:33) I've noticed the absence of video in tour sesions. I agree it can be extra taxinf to the system.
Carol Bradley: (14:33) Webcam would be fun, but the quality might not permit a successful outcome. At times my Skype is marvelous; at other times the quality is poor.
Lucy: (14:34) I asked for audience participation in facilitation back and forth.
Carol Bradley: (14:34) Also note, that a too large font makes for excessive scrolling, one of the least pleasurable experiences of online reading of text.
Lucy: (14:35) With offsite presentor - no chat only live audio
Lucy: (14:35) yes
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:35) sound good Lucy
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:36) LM - 2 models 1 like today; 2 presenter in Oregon Conf in Salt lake City - no chat - needed to see audience
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:36) LM portable mic to move among audience
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:37) LM 2nd model 1 to many
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:37) LM - need protocols about interaction BOTH for F2F paritcipants and for online chat
John Munro: (14:37) I ask students to send "passport" photos OR simple avatar images of their choice -- intriguing correspondence between personalities and avatars
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:38) LM - need protocal about repeat or not repeat questions/ciomments
William Vilberg: (14:38) We used "paired classrooms" 15 years ago with the instructor in one classroom and students both with the instructor and remote. But the classes were mainly presentations, not interactive. I was impressed with this presentation because it was so interactive. We were working as a single team to process the information.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:38) I also think that the purpose and focus needs to be parallel for the audiences. At Lilly, the audience was largely expecting to discuss Ender's Game (based on teh abstract), Online Friday Live! participants were largely expecting to continue a discussion on Enders Game and its implications that had started the week before.
Lucy: (14:39) Chat needs to focus on conference and all misc chat be private
Carol Bradley: (14:41) May I also note that some of the colors being used are of a high value (pastel like) in intensity; therefore, for people who spend a great deal of time reading online presentations, this type of color contributes to eye strain.
Lucy: (14:41) Saying hello to each group
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:42) And interactive specifically with each group... going back and forth explicitly.
William Vilberg: (14:42) If the F2F people can participate in the chat, that is great. I sometimes join the online group when I am in the F2F audience, so I can participate in the chat.
Deborah Dessaso: (14:42) Deborah saying hello--and apologizing for being late!
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (14:42) Having the moderator interject questions asked by text chat as a participant through voice
Lucy: (14:42) You could have had one of the audience accept
John Munro: (14:42) call on the "target" site before asking the question (to avoid "would you please repeat the question?")
Lucy: (14:43) Seed the face to face audience to ask the online group a question.
John Munro: (14:43) if asking for a response from a site, don't ask the question and the ask for site to answer
Lucy: (14:43) And vice versa
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (14:43) The way you are repeating the statements made in the chat and mentioning the name of who made the comment
Lucy: (14:44) Keep it simple.
Deborah Dessaso: (14:45) I second the idea that we not introduce new technology to a small group unless the group has been exposed to it.
Lucy: (14:45) I had 2 hours.
Lucy: (14:45) Have a separate session for exploring the technology
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (14:46) An idea is to share a Google Doc (as compared to a smartBoard) that can be collaboartivly edited by all to create a relevant doc.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:46) The 75 min Lilly slot would have accommodated a standard Friday Live!
Carol Bradley: (14:46) The after conference "talk session" (open mic not remembered), gave me a feeling of friendliness and being at the conference physically.
Lucy: (14:46) snafus - hotel set up
William Vilberg: (14:47) I didn't get any feeling of the conference. Haven't been to a Lilly.
Carol Bradley: (14:47) If we - online participants - could have only interjected verbally.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:47) For Lilly - it would be good/best to focus on the connection to Teaching & Learning.
Lucy: (14:47) Want to see online conference flavor go to TCC out of Hawaii - all online
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:49) I would also think that this topic itself (immersion in Hybrid... examples of how to use it... and how to make it better)... would have worked better perhaps as the Lilly focus than the Ender's Game (as ongoing conversation).
Lucy: (14:49) Agree Bonnie.
John Munro: (14:50) flip side? tell participants it's computer managed, but actually behind the "curtain" is a human
Lucy: (14:50) Until audience is more familiar with the tech they have a hard time getting past this to focus on content.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:51) @William.... not sure you could have gotten the sense in one session... unless the focus was on trying to give people an overview of the conference, plenaries, concurrent sessions, themes, etc. We have actually done this as the focus for the session in the past... then you do get a little sense of it. (we've done this at POD Conference in the past).
Lucy: (14:52) Need to spend time up front building a communityof learners
Deborah Dessaso: (14:52) Excellent point, Lucy.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:52) @Lucy, great point!
William Vilberg: (14:54) @Bonnie: Maybe some questions to the f2f audience, before the session begins, asking what they have learned so far, or what questions have been raised, what topics they are looking for, etc. That would be a chance to bring us into the spirit of the conference, without taking time from the session. Perhaps interview one or two people about the conference before the session starts?
Carol Bradley: (14:54) Bonnie: The Chat screen is an off white color which makes your purple font fade into the background = to eyestrain. Could you try blue?
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:55) @ Carol... happy to help. Any better (purple - deep is my favorite color... but happy to oblige).
Lucy: (14:56) I have dropped online course, where there is no group interaction. If it is just read and test, forget it.
Lucy: (14:57) At the prices of online courses, I am paying for the teacher.
Carol Bradley: (14:58) Online courses depend on two factors: the students and the instructor. Which brings of the problem of caring. Do students really "care" about their learning process? Does the instructor "care" by providing Feedback?
alicemac: (14:58) How does that factor out the caring? :)
Lucy: (14:58) Use your master teachers both for teaching students and for teaching faculty
alicemac: (14:59) your comment, sorry
alicemac: (14:59) about the higher ratios
Deborah Dessaso: (14:59) You made a strong point, Carol. The student's part cannot be filled by anyone except the student.
Eric Werth: (14:59) Why would you need to have a class where you cannot see the teacher? It seems with YouTube, Skype, Adobe Connect, etc. that you could always either have a teacher there for virtual office hours or at least record yourself so that the students know a real person is there somewhere.
John Prusch: (14:59) Can there be human caring without human interaction on line?
Carol Bradley: (14:59) Alicemac if you are referring to my comment, I have to say that the "caring" is eliminated when the students are not responsive to the Feedback, or if the Instructor does not respond.
alicemac: (15:00) I think that the caring factor is important - the comment that when there is no interaction the course is not interesting...
Jordan Sand: (15:01) Here's an advantage to on-line text participation rather than participating vocally in the room: it is easier for some, particularly non-native speakers, to participate in writing. It also leaves a record.
Larry: (15:01) Focus and group interactions are the essential components of online instruction. I have always started my teachers as students, and then graduate them into online facilitators of groups... not individuals, but at the same time recognize individuals within groups with specific roles as in PBL.
Carol Bradley: (15:01) I am experiencing this problem currently. I explicitly asked for a response to my Feedback and found that the students were not - evidently - reading my Feedback.
John Prusch: (15:01) Can a textbook on or off line be humanly caring?
John Prusch: (15:02) No, sorry, no mic right now...
Carol Bradley: (15:02) Group interactions can also be done mechanically - not caring.
John Prusch: (15:03) Can simulated interactions be humanly caring?
Lucy: (15:03) i like it when my students create the textbook in a wiki and now with iBook Author
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:03) @Jordan - good point! It's the participation, responsiveness and dialogue that add the human caring facotr.
Lucy: (15:03) My students are building xtranormal animations around study strategies
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (15:04) @Lucy - I'd love to see examples of the animations
John Prusch: (15:04) For example, we could have group simulations where students interact with the technology devised in terms of human caring.
Deborah Dessaso: (15:04) I agree, Lucy. Getting students to participate, regardless of the mode, adds the human element to all types of teaching.
Carol Bradley: (15:04) In other words, the interaction does not really address the comment - question, just as in a real conversation - people do not listen and respond - they are only carrying on a private conversation.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:04) @Larry - experience with the technology/learning as learners is critical to an enriched and supported experience.
Lucy: (15:04) has a good animation on the use of google
John Prusch: (15:04) For example, the BHW on ethics from Ray's group.
William Vilberg: (15:04) Interesting. One indication of caring is listening. But we misinterpret online communication as the other person listening to us until we stop. We don't realize how they skim the message and don't really "listen" at all.
Carol Bradley: (15:05) Thank you William - clearly stated.
William Vilberg: (15:05) Replace "don't" with "may not".
John Prusch: (15:05) They simulations presented highly ethical and caaring situations.
Carol Bradley: (15:05) William, I really did not mean to use red - I just wanted to highlight one of my words. Sorry.
William Vilberg: (15:06) We hear their messages in our voice, in our head, if they are electronic.
Carol Bradley: (15:07) William Why is that only true on an electronic message?
William Vilberg: (15:07) We often need to "hear" the message in the other person's voice.
Lucy: (15:07) Whole body of literature call CMC in the olden days of text only
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:07) @John - If the online simulation is designed to simulate caring (characters, interactions, etc.) then I think you could see/experience a caring a point... precisely because humans thought carefully about what they do and worked this into the program itself.
Lucy: (15:07) Computer Mediated Communication
William Vilberg: (15:07) (I am in a public place, so I can't use my mic, or I would love to.)
Lucy: (15:07) Humming along. Sing Sally. Sing!
John Prusch: (15:07) Yes, Bonnie, that's the direction I'm alluding to.
Jordan Sand: (15:08) thank you
Carol Bradley: (15:08) Thank you for the session.
Deborah Dessaso: (15:08) And thank you!
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, University at Buffalo: (15:08) thank you - helpful for me too
alicemac: (15:08) ty
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:08) @William - agreed... tone is important for full communication.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:08) You've been VERY HELPFUL today! We'll be extending these ideas in future fridayLive sessions
John Prusch: (15:09) Bonnie, if students think in a caring way & are instigated to care, is the online course or learning object infused with human caring?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:09) next week about "voice"
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:09) And we'll keep coming back to Ender's Test!
William Vilberg: (15:09) @Carol: I think you asked why do we hear the message in our voice if the message is electronic? I mis-wrote. I should have said if the message is written then we read it in our voice.
Lucy: (15:09) clapping
John Prusch: (15:09) Lastly, Bonnie, where does human caring reside in an online course?
Carol Bradley: (15:10) William - Thanks for the clarification.
Larry: (15:10) Great session. However, we need multiple sessions, or a longer time period so that we might be able to move from the chat boxes to the voice. It might be interesting to ask participants to use only voice in one of these sessions. A mic would be part of the needed technology.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:10) I think human caring and human voice are closely related! Why singing is so different from text!
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:10) @John... Ah... well asked & well said. I think we get to build on these as we go forward.
William Vilberg: (15:10) Good point, Steve.
John Prusch: (15:11) Yes, Steve! We can put human voices in our courses without humans being there, no?
alicemac: (15:11) I am still trying to think of a 'course' where caring would not be importnat... lol
Jordan Sand: (15:11) I'm signing off here, thank you all. Jordan
John Prusch: (15:11) Exactly, Bonnie, that's the great thing about these sessions: we have much to build on.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:11) I find it very impressive/powerful that in the most expensively made "animated" movies that the voices are recordings of well-known expensive actors!
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:11) I thinkg the challenge is indeed bringing caring in at multiple levels... and instilling/infusing it... welcoming it from mutiple sources.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:12) And there are many different kinds of IMPORTANT caring!
Lucy: (15:12) There is nothing that beats the student"voice".
John Prusch: (15:12) Right, Steve, so the experience of human caring is more powerful than in most online courses, right?
William Vilberg: (15:12) I took beginning music theory years ago. I needed to improve my ear training, especially hearing intervals. Today that is done with a computer program. At the time it was done at the beginning of each class. I didn't learn it.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:12) I'm beginning to believe that for SOME purposes removing the "voice" from the info is GOOD and for some it is TERRIBLE!
Carol Bradley: (15:12) Steve, Voice quality is important, but isn't it the same with "message" quality?
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:13) Thanks all... for the great discussion! Happy weekend. We too have to run. See you next week!
John Prusch: (15:13) Fully agreed, Bonnie. We really like Dee Finks dimension/outcomes for Human Caring.
Lucy: (15:13) Poof!
alicemac: (15:13) Thank You all for such a thoughtful and caring discussion
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:13) Good point Carol - Voice Quality =/= Message Quality - in what ways for what purposes do they differ?
John Prusch: (15:13) Can there be human caring without a voice?
Carol Bradley: (15:13) As we have all seen on this Chat, it is very demanding to put together a good message that is clear and conveys the right attitude.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:13) Thanks to you all too. I have to go now.
William Vilberg: (15:14) @John: YES!
William Vilberg: (15:14) But it may not be recognized as caring.
alicemac: (15:14) agree, William
John Prusch: (15:14) Thanks Steve, Bonnie & all!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:14) I was told long ago that it is worse to be deaf than to be blind vis a vis connecting with other humans
William Vilberg: (15:14) Of course, anything might be mistaken either as caring or not caring.
John Prusch: (15:14) Thanks William! Take care.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:14) HAPPY WEEKEND!
alicemac: (15:14) the Deaf community might disagree with you Steve
Carol Bradley: (15:14) Thanks. Good-bye. Have a great evening Steve.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:15) Larry - mic on if you wish
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:15) Thanjks alll.
301/270-8312 skype: stevegilbert
Schedule appts with me:
THE TLT GROUP -- a Non-Profit Organization
The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group
PO Box 5643, Takoma Park, Maryland 20913 USA

![]() | Latest tweet: Recommended Readings 3.5 Written by Sally Gilbert's former students: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close...Foer ... |

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